If the majority of feminists became more like Christina Hoff - TopicsExpress


If the majority of feminists became more like Christina Hoff Summers, and less like the Andrea Dvorkin or Naomi Wolfs{note: I actually have much respect for Wolf as a civil liberties activist, and for the heat she took from most mainstream feminists for defending Jullian Assange of wikileaks against the false rape charges he got from two feminists in Sweden}. However, Summers is the only leading feminist whose so enlightened, objective, balanced, factual, reasonable, and truly gender egalitarian. There are scattered indivdual feminists out there that are like her, but their not even a subsect...just a few rare individuals, and she is the only well known/leading one like this. If most feminists did so, Id{and I suspect alot of critics of feminism in general would do the same} probably either stop being against it or Id at least not be AS against it. But the chance of most or even a siginifant minority of feminists becoming more like Summers, the odds given popular trends, seem slim to none. ^^^^ Christina Hoff Summers- the factual feminist channel: https://youtube/playlist?list=PLytTJqkSQqtr7BqC1Jf4nv3g2yDfu7Xmd
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:16:28 +0000

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