If the perfect combination of being selfless, kind, thoughtful, - TopicsExpress


If the perfect combination of being selfless, kind, thoughtful, resourceful, helpful , exhibiting the qualities of teamwork and down right funny in the process were an Olympic sport, Will, Sam, and Canale would win the gold ! The transmission went out on the jeep on the way to Nashville the other night . I was thankful prayers were answered and we made it off of the interstate .I did not like the feeling of huge eighteen wheelers flying by causing the jeep to shudder as it sat on the narrow shoulder of the interstate. Canales biggest concern was how we would get from Dickson, a rural area about an hour outside of Nashville, to Nashville , to see the Fam Tour and the viners she is so crazy about, by the following morning .All mechanic shops had closed by the time the jeep limped from the interstate to the nearest exit. Being persistent, I had called them all. I had also engaged in conversation with locals to inquire, and also had inquired about any possible public or other means of transportation from Dickson to Nashville. All inquiries were met with blank stares or looks of surprise that I dared ask if there were other means to get to Nashville form Dickson other than by ones own vehicle. To the credit of the locals, we were met with kindness and offers to help. I appreciated the friendliness and all offers to look at the jeep to give and educated guess to what the problem was. Each offer was accepted with gratitude in hopes of a miracle, and each offer ended with a local would be mechanic saying, It looks like your transmission went out. No one around here is open on the weekend to do transmission repairs or replacements . The dead ends left Canale with a look of concern bordering on desperation on her face .Perhaps to use the word concerned is an understatement . She had been expectantly waiting and planning for weeks to see viners Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, and Carter Reynolds in Nashville the following morning . I had promised her I would take her . Sometimes it takes a lot to keep a promise . For this promise to be kept , a simple text to Sam provided the beginning of a solution. Hearing his Mom and sister were stranded brought Sam to the rescue. He was at work at Dixie Cafe and was not scheduled to get off until after 10 pm. Call it love, call it being selfless, call it being loyal, call it anything you want. What happened is that after he got off work after 10 Friday night , Sam drove the three hours or so to Dickson, picked us up and took us to Nashville. Sam then got up early the next morning to take Canale and I to the Fam tour . Canale stayed at the Fam Tour until seven in the evening. Sam did not complain . Whatever she asked of him he gave . I dont think they really make people like that any more . I do have to give his elder brother Will credit , though. Will was the one for the most part staying home with Sam and Canale all those years I was working at Walgreens and staying late . It is true one leads by example, and neither Sam nor Canale could have had a better example than Will. It isnt supposed to be that way perhaps, that the eldest brother has to care for the younger ones while their mom works to pay the bills, but that is how it was for us . In life , you do what you have to do . Will, Sam and Canale have done it well. Over supper last night , Sam expressed concern about the jeep and me having no car for a while . I told him the Good Lord works in mysterious ways . Even though the jeep breaking down was an inconvenience , to me it was priceless. Instead of just being Canale and me going to Nashville, due to circumstances even though seemingly adverse, we had the pleasure of Sams company. The combination of Sam and Canale is better than any comedy show one has ever seen, so they both kept me laughing . Also, I got to see all of my kids working together to help me keep a promise to Canale. Even though Will was not there physically , he is always in the background making things happen . It was priceless seeing how things work out when all of my kids work together. Getting to spend time just doing nothing with Canale while waiting for Sam to arrive was priceless. In the busyness of life where we are always in a hurry to do it was nice to just be. Also, promises are made to be kept. I had not put any ifs in my promise to Canale that I would take her to Nashville to see the viners, Hayes Grier, Nash Grier, and Carter Reynolds, she is so crazy about . For those of you who do not know who these young men are, they are viners and you-tubers. Combined with Cameron Dallas , they have a following on social media of over 15 million. I have not figured out what their draw is, but my opinion does not matter. Fans from 12 to 20 across the nation come to see them with more screams, smiles , tears , emotion and enthusiasm than I have ever seen excluding videos of the sensation Elvis and the Beatles caused years ago. These young men dont do anything extraordinary which I can see. They make videos of themselves being normal , goofy guys enjoying life while making it sillier than it would have been.Then they post their videos on social media for laughing , adoring fans to watch. Perhaps in addition to being cute guys, girls follow them because in a crazy busy world ,normal ,with a touch of silly is what kids like, and perhaps what kids need . Being ordinary with a twist of silly has earned these young men a collective following of over 15 million social media viewers, a Kids Peoples Choice award for Cameron Dallas , sponsors who pay them to be themselves, and young girls with moms like me who feb their moms to pay for tickets to go and meet theses young men. So hurray to Will and Sam for helping me keep a promise. Hurray to Canale for being patient and grateful even though the circumstances kept it form turning out exactly like she thought it would . From a moms perspective , the weekend turned out better than planned . In addition to spending time with viners, Canale was accompanied, protected, and encouraged by her own normal, goofy, silly guy; her brother, Sam, who was trained by the best , Will. I had the pleasure of being there to see with my own eyes . Today , life is back to the routine . Will is at work at Capitol Grille, Sam is at work at DIxie Cafe, and Canale will be doing homework and studying for her tests tomorrow. I was looking for a hero . This weekend I was reminded of what is so often true in life , what one is looking for is most often right in front of one when one opens their hearts and eyes to see . So here is another shout out and a huge hurray for my heroes - Will, Sam and Canale . They all are selfless, kind , patient , resourceful , resilient , fun and funny with hearts of GOLD . Who needs a medal or any material thing with kids like that ? Thank you, Jesus , for my blessings !
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:18:56 +0000

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