If the system would adjudicate police for creating crimes against - TopicsExpress


If the system would adjudicate police for creating crimes against society since its all we have then I believe the entire country would feel a since of justice and not just a part of it. The ghosts that raddle histories closet doors in America are all the sterio typical behaviors that are subjegated to seperate and destroy its citizens. Leaving emotions out of the equassion and on facts alone taken at face value minorities are subject to die at the hands of the system be they law abiding or non law abiding citizen because its the nature of man made constructs that constitute the Democracy of a Democratic Republic of a Republic Democracy. The founding fathers of America drafted legislation for wealthy land owners only and from their time to our time it is the frame work used to interpret and misinterpret law as the wealthy see fit. Freedom not being free has nothing to do with military might but consumerism. The wealthy give governments their agendas and elected officials carry them out from the Execuctive, Leguslative and Judicial branches of government. We are a consumer base and nothing more we are for sale to the highest bidder where ever they reside. Mosts populations will live out their lives as only consumers never coming close to being producers of goods and services, they may only know the ability to procreate more consumers. Is it really important to the wealthy if one more consumer dies? No! There title, behavior or philosphies are of little consequence so what if people get emotional no boycots, no bankrupsy and no posturing is viable enough to change the system because it will always work exceptionally well for those its intended to work for and thats the wealthy....
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:03:38 +0000

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