If the truth be told, we all harbour some bigotry within us. Just - TopicsExpress


If the truth be told, we all harbour some bigotry within us. Just as can all be murders if the right set of circumstances conspire to undermine our carefully manicured personalities. Most of us have religious, societal, familial and cultural supports to blunt the worst of our excesses and guide us towards the right path in life.. However when your religious, societal, familial and cultural supports all say its OK to do x, its a very strong person who can resist indulging in that excess. I believe it is the conscious manipulation of the Jewish Zeitgeist in the crucible that is Israel that has produced this right wing version of a country that started out in my awareness (back in the sixties and seventies) where people came from all over the world, Jew and non-Jew, and worked on collective farms to help Israel prosper. This conscious manipulation is used by the elite wherever they are using settlers to take over land, whether it is in South Africa, North America, Ireland or Palestine. It is the same basic strategy and formula: 1. Put people in harms way to make a land grab 2. Allow some of them to be killed to help define the enemy (usually the former owners of the land in question 3. Play the victim card to get support from moderates and play the patriot card to fan the flames of right wing bigotry into the fire of hatred 4. Kill you declared enemies. There is no mystery to this. The mystery is that anyone still falls for it in this day and age. Terrorism was originally defined as State Terrorism. State Terrorism is still the biggest taker of life today. Whether it is inter-nation wars or civil wars or spreading infections diseases - the end is the same - kill those designated as the others. The beneficiaries and the culprits remain the same. The 0.01%. Currently these reside mainly in You Suck US-UK The United States and the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth and Vassal Countries. No surprises there then.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:27:23 +0000

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