If the whole world was to listen to the message of this song, I - TopicsExpress


If the whole world was to listen to the message of this song, I tell u we wont see all the sufferings and challenging things that we facing Nowadays, coz Jesus is the savour and trust me if you give him your heart,your soul and your body today you will never regret to be a human being, and you will never be afraid of anything, you will never fear death for you know u will meet him in heaven,.It doesnt matter how sinful u have been before, jesus will forgive you all the wrongs you you did and accept you the way you are, he will make u pure in one second, and accept you just right now, .jesus keeps waiting and chasing you but u keep running, he is loving and caring for you,he is talking to you but you dont listen....To all who read this and listen to that song God loves you and you are so blessed to come across this message. What you need to do is to open your heart and completely accept Christ,.. Trust me your life will change for ever and for good, please dont ignore this coz one day God will remind you and he will keep reminding you...Remember a change is not a future term but its something for now, so make it a past tense of changed and sustain it,,,,,,,,if you never experienced this ....its nice to live with God in your heart and u will love and enjoy it trust me,,,
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:12:31 +0000

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