If there are people who have suffered most especially from using - TopicsExpress


If there are people who have suffered most especially from using the wrong products because they dont know & understand better. The same goes for those who are selling it. You should do your due diligence to research something clearly before you use or sell something. There are people whose skin got burned from using whitening glutathione. People are buying because the only thing they know that glutathione is simply for whitening or has a whitening side effects but they dont know & understand why it whitens. Glutathione is an endogenous antioxidant which means it is an antioxidant naturally produced by your body since birth and is being produced by every cell in your body but majority of its production comes from your liver. It is part of your bodys antioxidant defense system. Yes, your body has an antioxidant defense system. It is composed of 4 types: Superoxidase dismutase, Catalase, Co-enzyme Q10 but the most powerful of all antioxidants is Glutathione. But, here is the thing about glutathione, its not just an antioxidant, its also a protein, the only antioxidant that is protein-base & not enzyme-base. Glutathione as a protein is also like other proteins, it is a big molecule, it needs to be inside of your cell to be fully utilized by your cell. It not only needs to get in your cells but also be able to pass through the 4 layers of your cell membrane. If it only gets through until the 1st & 2nd layer, that is where the production of melanin is happening. Melanin is the substance your cells are producing which is responsible for your skin color & glutathione that cannot effectively get inside your cells beyond the 4th layer suppresses the production of melanin, thats how you turn white. But,the bad news is, melanin is not only for your skin color, its other function, is that it protects us from the harmful effects of the UV rays of the sun. So, suppressing melanin is suppressing your bodys ability to protect itself from the UV rays of the sun making you prone to getting skin cancer. So this means, that if you turn white from glutathione, the glutathione did not effectively get inside the cell and you are now prone to skin cancer. Do not sacrifice your health just for vanity. Think before you act, learn before you chose to earn. Know & understand better first. Do your due diligence & research first clearly & deeply.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:54:43 +0000

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