If there is nothing seen, there is no experience of the seer. If - TopicsExpress


If there is nothing seen, there is no experience of the seer. If there is no seer, there is no experience of anything seen. They both go together, in the same way as the black and white go together. So in reality, there is no such thing as just subject or just object. Its sub/object and ob/subjects! But even that is a crude representation of what it really is. And this is also the same with sound and light. Although sounds of high vibration seem to be continuous, to be pure sound, they are not. Every sound is actually sound/silence, only the ear does not register this consciously when the alternation is too rapid. It appears only in, say, the lowest audible notes of an organ. Light, too, is not pure light, but light/darkness. Light pulsates in waves, with their essential up/down motion, and in some conditions the speed of light vibrations can be synchronized with other moving objects so that the latter appear to be still. This is why lights are not used in sawmills, for they emit light at a pulse which easily synchronizes with the speed of a buzz saw in such a way that its teeth seem to be still. While eyes and ears actually register and respond to both the up-beat and the down-beat of these vibrations, the mind, that is to say our conscious attention, notices only the up-beat. The dark, silent, or off interval is ignored. It is almost a general principle that consciousness ignores intervals, and yet cannot notice any pulse of energy without them.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:42:33 +0000

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