If there is one thing propaganda has taught me, it is that ones - TopicsExpress


If there is one thing propaganda has taught me, it is that ones sense of right and wrong is manufactured to comply to the interests of the State. The cognitive dissonance that flows from the river of Statism is frustrating and insane to anyone who self-identifies with critical thought and reason. People remain silent and obey the will of their governments when committing horrendous, unspeakable acts of violence and aggression. And these same people, at the turn of a switch from their corporate monopolists on reality, rise to the occasion to condemn others for engaging in similar acts, although more often than not, the acts committed by foreigners they condemn vastly pale in comparison to efforts and decisions of the U.S. Government. The most frustrating aspect of propaganda in my own personal opinion, is not even the repeated contradictions and staunch adherence to hypocrisy, but the fact that people who often cheer the propaganda slogans are supporting the very tragedies they claim their stance on an issue opposes. I mean lets think about this for a moment, shall we? The American masses supported war with Iraq in 2003. They were fooled into thinking that the war was fought to help Iraqis, protect America and win hearts and minds in the Middle East. They reverberated each of these talking points and utterly dismissed the criticisms of anyone who said otherwise without question. Fast forward several years later when it became irrefutably clear that Iraqis were dying by the thousands, attacking U.S. soldiers and that terrorist numbers were increasing, rather than decreasing, and propagandized viewers not only ignored the lies and refused to take responsibility in propagating the lies, they still defended the war. It might not have been helping Iraqis and it might have been winning hearts and minds over to the cause of killing American troops on the battle field, but it at least made sure those terrorists wouldnt come over here! LOL! A reasonable person wouldnt allow someone with a track record of lying about everything they said to control their outlook on the world. When someone is caught and exposed for repeatedly lying to you, at the least you should stop unconditionally believing that what they say is true. I mean holy shit, we found out at a very early age that our parents werent lying to us when they told us that fire and stove tops would burn our hands. How many of you did it only take one time to learn this was unqestionable fact? At the least, I highly doubt youre going around today touching hot stovetops and becoming surprised when you get burned. Politicians and their mouth-pieces in media lie. They will continue to lie to you so long as you take what they say seriously. They arent lying to you because they care about you, they are lying to you to ensure your lifestyle never threatens their monopoly of power and force. If you dont think its in your best interests to trust individuals deliberately lying to you, then you equally shouldnt trust media pundits and their sponsors telling you what to believe on television. When it comes to the Crimea, if youre legitimately upset at Russias re-annexation of the Black Sea Peninsula into their nation, I have for you several questions: What are your thoughts on the United States Government funding and arming head-severing terrorists in Syria? Does it bother you that the U.S. is sponsoring the group of individuals responsible for systematic murder of religious minorities, including women and children, simply because they refuse to convert to Shiite Islam? What are your thoughts on the United States Governments deployment of deployed uranium rounds in Fallujah, Iraq, which killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and have rendered the local populous to horrifying cancers and birth defects? What are your thoughts on the United States Government killing hundreds of civilians with drone strikes overseas, at often times deliberately targeting funerals and weddings in order to facilitate fear among the families of the target? I raise these questions not to dismiss the developments in the Ukraine, but simply to suggest that maybe, just maybe, we have more pressing matters to pay attention to? Russia, as immoral as you might think their government is, isnt the one we should be fearing right now. The people we should fear are the primary enemy of the American People: The men and women commanding the U.S. Government. What happens in Crimea is none of my concern, and I ask you why should it be yours? If the people there want to be Russian or Ukrainian is not any of my business. What is my business, however, is the murderous and vile group of sociopaths on Capitol Hill carrying our violence under my name and robbing my earnings to pay for it. What is my business is my own future and the impact my own decisions can have on affecting it. Russia has nothing to do with my future, and it shouldnt yours either.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:27:53 +0000

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