If there is one thing that drives me absolutely bonkers it is - TopicsExpress


If there is one thing that drives me absolutely bonkers it is people who will try to refute fact with rhetoric and ideology and when shown that they are operating from a false assumption in civil debate, they resort to name calling and picking up their ball and going home. Am I a historical scholar by any stretch? Emphatically no! But if I state a solid position on an issue, it is only after having done hours and in this case years of reading and research. I read countless stories of my childhood idols, Moshe Dayan and Ariel Sharon, and several others, reading of their brilliant battles and strategy. So before you label me as an ignoramus and un-educated on a topic that you yourself know only what the mainstream media has painted for you, do some homework and engage me in a fact based, and thoughtful debate. I will respect you far more...
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:56:17 +0000

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