If there is one thing that has impressed me in at George - TopicsExpress


If there is one thing that has impressed me in at George Washington University it is the quality of their professors. Granted, I mostly have experience with the International Affairs department which might have an advantage given GWs location (hint: DC=loads of politicians, advisors and government officials), and thus I cannot say much about the other departments. So far I have had the pleasure of being taught by a former long-serving ambassador; an expert in Cold War Germany who was one of the first to gain access to the Stasi archives after the wall fell; a professor in conflict resolution who has spent just short of a decade in Israel & Palestine working for a civil society peace program; a historian in the State Department and a former CIA analyst/former advisor to Vicepresident Dick Cheney. It is a refreshing change of pace when I contrast it with quite a few of the professors at CBS, who tend to resemble your standard bookworm with little to none hands-on experience in their field of study. Heres to hoping my high expectations wont be squashed by reality :) ****************** Hvis der er en ting som virkelig har imponeret mig ved George Washington University, så er det deres professorers kvalitet. Det meste af min erfaring er godt nok kun fra deres fakultet for Internationale Studier, som sansynligvis har en fordel i dets beliggenhed (hint: DC=jævnt mange politikere, assistenter og regeringsrepræsentanter), og kan derfor ikke udtale mig om de andre fakulteter. Indtil videre har jeg haft fornøjelsen af at blive undervist af en tidligere ambassadør; en ekspert i KoldkrigsTyskland, som var en af de første som fik adgang til Stasi arkiverne efter Murens Fald; en professor i konflikthåndtering, der har brugt knap ti år i Israel & Palæstina på et fredsprogram baseret i civilsamfundet; en historiker i det amerikanske udenrigsministerium; & en tidligere CIA analytiker/tidligere rådgiver for Vicepræsident Dick Cheney. Det er en kærkommen forandring, når jeg sammenligner det med en del af mine professorer på CBS, som ofte fremstår som en standard bogorm uden egentlig praktisk erfaring fra deres felt. Nu håber jeg bare, at mine forventninger ikke bliver mast af virkeligheden :)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:26:31 +0000

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