If there were no God, there would be no atheists. Thats stupid! - TopicsExpress


If there were no God, there would be no atheists. Thats stupid! you say. Not true, says I. This statement, in and of itself, provides proof for the existence of God. I know that, if you are a non-believer, you will instantly dismiss this quote. Your beliefs are quite firm, after all, and what can shake them? You question the existence of God, but you dont really want an answer. An answer will prove you wrong. However, if you are willing to read on, I think youll find that the question of rather or not God exists isnt one of fact or fiction. Its true, and I shall illustrate how simply using this quote. Perhaps I should put this quote into a different perspective. Here is one of the same theme by C. S. Lewis: If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. The view behind this is simple: If there wasnt a God, than we would have never thought that there was one. Im sure you can agree that the majority of the world believes in the existence of at least one god. According to 2011 statistics, Christianity has over 2 billion followers, its second rival, Islam, with just over 1 billion. If you research into major beliefs of the world, atheism is not even listed. As of 1994, in fact, atheism only accounted for 4% of the worlds population. So I believe we can deduce that the general consensus of the world, and throughout history, is that there is a God. (Well focus on Christianity here, rather than exploring other religious views and why they are misled. Thats for another time.) So, if you are a non-believer, or an atheist, then you think we Christians are all just silly, correct? But in fact, your belief alone proves there is a God. If there wasnt, than you wouldnt be sitting here denying it. Lets take a spin off of the above Lewis quote. Lets theres a world that is completely dark. There is not light whatsoever, and there never has been. Do you think that the inhabitants of that world would realize that they lived in a world of darkness? Do you think one of them would be walking around proclaiming Somewhere out there, there is light! Of course not. There is not light to them. Their world is entirely made of darkness and has always been that way. How should they know there is light, if there never has been any? Heres another example: horses and Native Americans. Europe had horses, but the Americas didnt. Do you think there were Natives walking around saying that they wish they could meet a horse? Of course not! They didnt even know a horse existed, because in their world, horses didnt exist. In a similar fashion, Christopher Columbus and all those European sailors had no idea there were the Americas over there. They were just trying to find a route to China, correct? They didnt know that land existed, therefore, it didnt exist. Do you see a pattern here? If we were all just accidents that evolved and there really isnt a God, than how should we ever invent the concept of a God? Preposterous, you say. Thats simple. Humans invented the concept of a god to explain things they had no reasoning for. Actually, using that argument further proves the existence of God. Yes, ancient cultures came up with belief systems of a god or many gods to explain the happenings of the world around them. But where did this notion originally come from? If we all originated from the same two people, Adam and Eve, who knew God and whose descendents knew God, then isnt it plausible that knowledge has forever stayed with us? That all these other religions come from the realization that there is such a thing as God? Pish posh, you say. Then where did atheism come from? Atheism has stemmed from people believing that they had all the answers themselves, that they were responsible for all their own accomplishments, and that humans reign supreme. It is the effort to disprove the existence of God. And it is ironic because, by atheisms own existence, it proves that there is a God. So summary (yep, kept this short and sweet!): If there really was no such thing as God, then where did we get such an idea?
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:30:27 +0000

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