If there were one video you had to pick out of all the ones you - TopicsExpress


If there were one video you had to pick out of all the ones you share all day; this should be the one. Ive known Bush and that sinister Cheney were scumscucking pigs. Obummer and the rest of his criminal gang are Bush and Cheney to the tenth power. Obama Corruption 6-2-14 “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”. Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History by Steve Baldwin (The Western Center for Journalism) westernjournalism/exclusive-investigative-reports/obama-surrounds-himself-with-the-most-extreme-appointees-in-american-history/ The most corrupt administration in US history Rep Trey Gowdys Tough Questions for the Obama Administration on Fox (You Tube) https://youtube/watch?v=NK647cKMvt0#t=207 Obama - The Anti-Israel President (You Tube) https://youtube/watch?v=xO8qZP_iU9I#t=54 BILL WHITTLE: FERGUSON AND THE REAL RACE WAR (You Tube Truth Revolt) https://youtube/watch?v=iGTUcS-yQtQ#t=102 The Cairo Speech by Anne Bayefsky (Ass Kicking) nationalreview/node/182912/print Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel (Israel Video Network) israelvideonetwork/the-1-movie-that-unmasks-obama-and-his-attitude-to-israel-nearly-12-mil-views Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel (You Tube) youtube/watch?v=0wbH5KVPrPo#t=400 Absolutely Uncertain (You Tube video by “Irina”) https://youtube/watch?v=jgvMGLdc908&list=PLC2A32D103123C08E#t=73 18-minute mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal, Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008 Why Im burning my last bridge with Obama youtube/watch?v=VIMnIh10po0 Join me as I wreck my last artifact of support for the war criminal-in-chief!! *I figured out the fraud a while back, but recently found this shirt in my closet :) Obama in Bed With Muslim Brotherhood: Why is Obama in Bed With the Muslim Brotherhood? by Ted Belman (American Thinker) americanthinker/2012/02/why_is_obama_in_bed_with_the_muslim_brotherhood.html Abedin Family Journal Promoted Muslim Brotherhood Views by Andrew G. Bostom (Family Security Matters) familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-journal-huma-abedin-and-her-family-edited-adopted-the-goals-and-ideas-of-the-muslim-brotherhood The Abedin Familys Pro-Jihadist Journal by Andrew G. Bostom A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House by Steve Emerson and John Rossomando (Investigative Project) investigativeproject.org/3777/a-red-carpet-for-radicals-at-the-white-house Administration Welcomed Wolves Into the Sheepforld by Diana West (Townhall) townhall/columnists/dianawest/2012/10/12/administration_welcomed_wolves_into_the_sheepfold/page/full The Implications of Obamas Foreign Policy Team for the Middle East (Lecture) by Jonathan S. Tobin (Middle East Forum) meforum.org/3481/obama-foreign-policy-team-middle-east Muslim Brotherhood Perception Management Team to Washington DC by Clare M. Lopez (The Clarion Project) clarionproject.org/analysis/muslim-brotherhoods-perception-management-team-washington-dc Ten Part “Muslim Brotherhood in America” by Frank Gaffney (Center for Security Policy) centerforsecuritypolicy.org/the-muslim-brotherhood-in-america/ A Troubling Influence: An Islamic 5th Column Penetrates the White House. By Frank Gaffney Jr. With an Introduction: Why We are Publishing this Article by David Horowitz (Frontpage Magazine) archive.frontpagemag/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=15084 The Islamist-and Their Enablers- Assault on the Right: The Case Against Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan (Introduction and pdf) (Center for Security Policy) centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2014/02/11/the-islamists-and-their-enablers-assault-on-the-right-the-case-against-grover-norquist-and-suhail-khan-2/ A Disturbing Event: the American Conservative Union Embraces an Islamist by Raymond Ibrahim (Frontpage Magazine) frontpagemag/2012/raymond-ibrahim/a-disturbing-event-the-american-conservative-union-embraces-an-islamist/ Whose sarin? By Seymour M. Hersh (London Review of Books) voltairenet.org/article182160.html Related: NATOs War on Syria Just Got Dirtier: West scrambles to cover up Syria false flag revelations as Pulitzer Prize-winner & Syrias Electronic Army expose all (Land Destroyer Blog) landdestroyer.blogspot/2013/12/natos-war-on-syria-just-got-dirtier.html The Covert Origins of ISIS (You Tube) https://youtube/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI&list=PLkiifwjLYmSL531-K07rfleTIIxe5mIlY&index=69 JPost Annual Conference 2014: Caroline B. Glick https://youtube/watch?v=d0LewVl3L1k Egypt: Why Not Us? by Michael Armanious gatestoneinstitute.org/4062/egypt-why-not-us Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Jihad Mom youtube/watch?v=N16hnSop6ek Judge Jeanine: Eric Holder Should Be Indicted youtube/watch?v=5P80lK9emls Judge Jeanine: Impeach Obama wnd/2014/05/fox-news-star-unleashed-impeach-obama/ Judge Jeanine: Time for Pope Francis to protect his flock (Fox News) foxnews/on-air/justice-jeanine/index.html#/v/3699475490001 Joan Rivers -- GOES OFF on Epic Israel/Palestine Rant (You Tube) youtube/watch?v=j-5Q7yuaXjM And kicks some Liberal Fascist/Islamic scumbag ass! SYRIA 5-20-14 Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of -- New York Times, April 28, 2013 Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda -- USA Today, April 11, 2013 Syria: Sunni “rebels” hang 4-year old shiite boy after murdering his whole family Damascus: The Swiss-magazine reports that a four-year-old boy had to witness how his mother, father, sisters, brothers and grandparents were murdered. After that he was kicked and punched and publicly hanged in the district of Zainab in Damascus. sheikyermami/syria-sunni-rebels-hang-4-year-old-shiite-boy-after-murdering-his-whole-family/ Toddler in Syria reportedly chained to a fence and made to watch jihadis from the ranks of the “Free Syrian Army” kill her Shia parents. frontpagemag/2013/raymond-ibrahim/shias-the-arab-springs-latest-victims/ Syria: Jihadist rebels murder 15-year-old boy for blasphemy Rebels (terrorists) fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said. jihadwatch.org/2013/06/syria-jihadist-rebels-murder-15-year-old-boy-for-blasphemy.html Interfaith outreach in Syria: Obama-backed jihadists behead priest as crowd chants Allahu akbar The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23. jihadwatch.org/2013/06/interfaith-outreach-in-syria-obama-backed-jihadists-behead-priest-as-crowd-chants-allahu-akbar.html Syria: Muslims behead Christian, stab him with crucifix (Video of mother) jihadwatch.org/2014/03/syria-muslims-behead-christian-stab-him-with-crucifix Syria: Muslims force Christian to accept Islam, then behead him (Jihad Watch) jihadwatch.org/2014/08/syria-muslims-force-christian-to-accept-islam-then-behead-him Syrian Rebels Behead And Kill Children In Historic Christian Village youtube/watch?v=Avu6hhvJWos Muslims Crucify Two Teen Boys for Being Christians eaglerising/6257/muslims-crucify-two-teen-boys-christians/ GRAPHIC - Syria - Al-Nusra terrorist beheads a citizen in Homs for his political attitude liveleak/view?i=7a5_1391379546 Rotten, sick, Muslim scum. Whose sarin? By Seymour M. Hersh lrb.co.uk/v35/n24/seymour-m-hersh/whose-sarin The Cairo Speech by Anne Bayefsky (Ass Kicking) nationalreview/node/182912/print Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel (Israel Video Network) israelvideonetwork/the-1-movie-that-unmasks-obama-and-his-attitude-to-israel-nearly-12-mil-views Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel (You Tube) youtube/watch?v=0wbH5KVPrPo#t=400 Absolutely Uncertain (You Tube video by “Irina”) https://youtube/watch?v=jgvMGLdc908&list=PLC2A32D103123C08E#t=73 18-minute mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal, Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008 Egypt: Why Not Us? by Michael Armanious gatestoneinstitute.org/4062/egypt-why-not-us
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:35:10 +0000

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