If theres love just feel it. And if theres life well see it. This - TopicsExpress


If theres love just feel it. And if theres life well see it. This is no time to be alone..I wont let you go. CHASING TELESIA Round 7 #jahr ft #Lilcub Logan ran into Telesia again at the shops a week later. She saw him and tried to act like she didnt which amused Logan. Logan-hey you. Telesia continued walking. Logan-oi Still she kept walking. Logan grabbed her arm to stop her. Logan-whats up with you?I know you heard me calling out. Telesia-oh? I dont recall hearing my name being called. I heard a hey you and a oi but not a Telesia. She arched her brows looking peeved which managed to get Logans temper rising. Logan-really?would you have stopped when it was obvious you were pretending not to see me? Telesia-well,now well never know will we. Can you stop manhandling me you bafoon. Logans mouth opened then closed. Opened again and then closed. He was so furious. Logan-you have quite a mouth on you for a young sprite. How old are you? Telesia-27 Logans brows rose. Damn she was the same age as him. He thought she was 23,heck she looked it. He let go of her arm as tho his arm burned. He frowned not wanting her to know she affected him. Logan-youre such an eyesore. Telesia-I beg your pardon? Logan-you heard me. Telesia-sorry about you Channing Tatum. Logan-I dont have time for this. Telesia-You grabbed me you animal! Logan-what? Ha youre such a migraine Telesia-you mean headache? Logan-are you a teacher? Gosh youre such a pill. Telesia-pill? Logan-you know. the medicine ppl need when they have a sore head. Telesia-you do mean headache..eh why is your english so twisted. Logan-I dont need correcting. My english is just fine. Its just a bunch of words. Who cares if your good or weak at it. Telesia-but your analogies arent you baka! Logan-baka? Telesia-well this was stimulating. Lets do it again sometime...like never. She stormed out of the shop leaving Logan spitting mad. Why did he let her get under his skin. He quickly snatched the items he needed and slammed it on the counter. After paying for his purchase he stomped towards Kalebs car where he sat patiently waiting. Logan slammed his door. Kaleb looked at him with a raised brow. Kaleb-they didnt have the stuff you needed? Logan-they did. I ran into Telesia. That girl aggrieves me to no end! Kaleb frowned thinking. Aggrieves? You mean aggravates? Logan-are you a teacher now too?! She called me Baka..what the hell is Baka?! Kaleb suddenly burst out laughing. Kaleb- she really is something else. Logan-whats so funny? Kaleb-she called you a Moron in Japanese. Logan-how do you know? Kaleb-Because Im fluent in japanese. I took a course in it remember? Logan-so you did..damn she has nutshells calling me a moron. Kaleb-nutshells? You mean....eh forget it. Kaleb started the car and pulled out of the carpark. He had a smile on his face the whole drive home. Logan wore a grimace.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:38:41 +0000

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