If theres one thing about me that you might know, I love animals. - TopicsExpress


If theres one thing about me that you might know, I love animals. In fact, I am a firm believer that in 99% of cases, I will put more faith, compassion, and trust into a wild animal than I will the average human. For me, I find that animals, unlike humans, act without malice, hate, bias, or anger. For the most part, they just act out of instinct, and I respect that. That being said, the other night, Lori and I were driving home after attending a get-together at a friends house. While driving on the highway, a raccoon ran out on the road, and as hard as I tried, I couldnt avoid hitting him. I was,, and still am, devastated. Yeah, Im a big tough guy, but when it comes to animals, Im a mush. For the last day or two, I havent been able to shake the sadness, and keep asking why it had to be me that killed that innocent critter. Well, this morning, when I was letting the dogs out into the yard, I caught a glimpse of a feathery creature on the back porch. After chasing away the dogs, I find a bird with his head wrapped up in spider webs and trying its hardest to get free. I reach down, grab a hold of him and take him inside....yes, the cats were immediately drawn to the screeches. Anyway, the little guy was blinded by the webs and managed to dislocate his wing. With a little skill, and the help of a flashlight, I was able to get his wing back into working order, cleaned him up, and let him rest a while. As soon as he was able to flap is wings and gain altitude, I took him outside. He sat on my wrist for a minute or two, stretched his wings, gave me a song and flew into the blue. Suddenly, the sadness that was weighing on my lifted as he took flight. Maybe God had a plan for that raccoon, and maybe he has a plan for that bird. I just wish he would clue me in so I know what role I play in those plans. So there you have it folks....my one Non-Political post of the month. But for those still waiting for it.....Yes.....0bama still sucks.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:41:58 +0000

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