If this is a vision of modern feminism, count me out. [Sandberg] - TopicsExpress


If this is a vision of modern feminism, count me out. [Sandberg] manages to do it all with ruthless efficiency and grace. Dont let the stories about her leaving at 5:30 p.m. fool you into believing she takes it easy. On most days she walks into Facebook early, sometimes as early as 7, her cellphone glued to her ear. By then, shes been sending emails for an hour or more. When shes not traveling or at an evening event, shell take a break to have dinner at home with her husband, SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg, and their two elementary-school-age children. After the kids are tucked in, however, the emails dont stop until late at night. Her days are a flurry of meetings…How Sandberg, amid all her Facebook activities, managed to write Lean In, orchestrate flashy book tours on three continents, launch a foundation, and become a ubiquitous spokesperson for the ambitions of women, remains baffling to most people... Sandberg co-wrote the book with Nell Scovell, a professional writer, during evenings and weekends. She clustered book tours around a few blocks of vacation days -- while still answering Facebook emails between events -- and set up LeanIn.org as a separate organization in Palo Alto with its own staff.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:59:08 +0000

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