If tourism is to be the lead money maker for the province how - TopicsExpress


If tourism is to be the lead money maker for the province how ensure that all concerned departments make their policies/ADP, subservient to this. The planning of ADP in road ,health, agriculture, and budgeting for law and order shall encompass the ease of promoting tourist catering facilities with wide community involvement through informal dialogues involving local authorities into the process of planning What kind of tourism are possible in NWFP and where. Here its possible to develop tourism from all dimensions including nature and religion but to start with locally accepted and community supported cultural friendly tourism is the starting point 3. How to market and execute specific tourism interlinking it to specific countries e.g (Takhbai / Japan). Train guides brochures in Japanese and better transportation and staying facilities 4. What innovative ideas can be implemented & where . all around we can work with novel ideas developing a muddy block residence for tourists in areas where such construction is common introducing local cuisines and so on 5. How to get literary & Adabi organizations on board interlinking them to tourism Arranging seminars conferences and special events revolving around tourism with excursions and tours for them 6. What separate can be done for domestic tourism seasonal variation like beating the heat is a main source of tourism inside the country thus making more new area available with little spending 7. How can we attract domestic special interest group e.g of students ( who else). we can arrange for sight seeing excursions for families/senior citizens and kids or women’s also 8. How can we manage & promote tourism in the prevalent wave of terrorism/militancy. taking the communities into confidence by holding dialogues with them Can this be used to advantage in term of attracting funding. It may attract funding but aim should helping the local eneterenuer to help themselves and les attention for attracting donors Can the ….. be used to attract regular international study group. Yes we can start from akora khattak and negotiate guided tours Can tourism occur if Law & order is disturbed Yes but its unprintable The general term used is that tourism returns investments by 15 percent per annum if there are no security problems or disasters If no – what can we do in the meanwhile We can so whatever is possible and in the meanwhile improve our infrastructure and get our common people with us on board that tourism is a source of generating income -How is it ensured that leased out properties are meeting a minimum standard by sudden or regular visits by letting the standards checked off and on and look at the occupancy and ratio of time spent by tourist viz a viz food items consume in restaurants or the business it has for the class of tourists it caters. -What legal instrument are available for the same the agreement provides clauses to this effect. 10. Information centres one at landakay one at museum present capacity. Ome operated by private sector the other by a consultant Present capacity Not very much just indicative support to tourists What’s their performance. Not very effective since it requires efforts of tourism industry professionals and contributions to suit there business volume increase How can that be improved. It needs sharing of information more interaction less doer and more a leading role 10. How can the local governments be brought into the loop in term of funding & facilitating & indentifying tourism. Local government is need as without down upto union level we need the communities to be on board and thus planning with the consultation of local governments by interactingtion and touring and holding public meetings if required. Living local taxes And develops new spots 11. Prospects & ways and means to diversify tourism interlinking them. sight seeing arranging subsidized package. Trekking introducing amateur small trekking like in donga gali pipe line track Fishing introducing trout hunt with rods in groups. Wild life introducing initially wildlife watching Hunting mature animals both amateur and mature Cultural events arranging small shows of local folk singers and artisans Religious shrines madrassahs study trips Historical archaeological site seeing package tours Mountaineering with alpine club/adventure foundation Golf federation of golfers and services clubs Water sports with Pakistan optimist sailing association pak navy Canoeing Skiing PAF skiing federation being the lead agency Gliding para trooping school; and paf What else. ballooning and its competition involving giant multinationals safaris motor races Boat crusing Hovercrafts How where who As above with starting locally aiming globally and with our own local experts’ starting from our home tourists 13. What properties were promised to STC ?. How many we got. How many of these are in loss. What about the rest we need to have comparative figures. As there any scientific date available showing annual number of tourists, their category their destination in NWFP. (Both domestic and foreign separately). If not how to go about it. Yes the research and publication wing of ministry of tourism ranks and categories tourists from time to time on regular basis indicating volume of tourists sites visited and number of hotels approximately forty thousands. 16. Has it ever been calculated how much money tourists bring to NWFP ?. How much to each specific area. How much can they bring . If yes how have the figures been calculated ?. If No, how to do it. How much employment is generated ?. Going by the narration of federal ministry roughly five lacs people come to Pakistan more than three and half lacs are visiting friend relative the rest includes people on assignments with mere 52thosands real tourists out of which almost fifty thousand visit nwfp also. The total income from tourism is around 500us dollar that goes to fedral kitty and its among the first twenty foreign current earner. 16. What spots/ tourist destinations in Pakistan are in competition with NWFP . How can we out compete them so that these areas of NWFP are a must visit for any tourist. Lahore Karachi murree manchar lake harrappa moejodaro taxila and many more we can develop a package that benefits all rather than to divulge from the beginning into competition working in a circuit shall itself boost competition 17. Identification of international similar spots , similar environments in tourism based countries is of NWFP. How to replicate in one circumstances. There is rarely parallels to any place in the world but india nepal bamgladesh and Afghanistan plus china offers more fun out of there small treasure of cultural assets that we do. We have to take on board the people letting them know how to use hospitality as an instrument of peace tranquility and income generation starting from hujra culture through village guest houses. 18. How can existing forest department land be used to promote tourism Camping trekking for amateurs Sight seeing Trees and bird observation Nature watch Trout fishing Hunting with proper permits of course And wooden cabins of mature trees in jungle environment 19. Has a concerted / coordinated effort ever been made by the STC, Forest Department & wild life Department & Culture Department to come up with specific area related plain for tourism. The mahudhand national park was such a scheme but it never took off the wildlife does not want a partner in eco tourism and the forest want to take over tourism . 20. Prospects of regular calendar wise Cultural / artisan festivals ( e.g Kalash) How many ?, where ?, when?, How do develop, promote market them. Kalash has four summer, autmn ,winter ,spring Jashne Khyber Jasne kalm Jasne hazra Jasne shandoor Jashne chitral Jasne kumrat Food festivals of fish/tikka/kabab Similarly the woolen pattumakers chapal ,akers kadar makers etc. It can be with out any direct income to STC but would enable small enterprenur to come forward demonstrate there business. 21. What materials/books can be used to give a soft image to NWFP & attract domestic & foreign tourists The in depth details about the 52 sub-tribes living in nwfp there culture customs and modern life style. Soft image requires also a lot advertising and sponsoring on the international front through media print and electronic both. 22. Is the Federal tourism Ministry and PTDC, a facilitation or a deterrent to touristic activities in NWFP & why? Obviously it’s a federal state and two of country giant tourism projects are at malam jabba and gulibagh. However the delegation of authority as in the case of Punjab and financing are rare for NWFP it needs more to be decentralized and shared with the locals and Islamabad may be a coordinator to enable us achieve the benefits of our heritage and assets. 23. What special packages can be made to attract & interact with travel writers, tour operators hoteliers other professionals engaged in tourism both domestic & international. Incentives and subsidies in order to get them on hook and than let them take it forward with their own contribution once it hold ground. 24. How to promote our tourism on the internet. What has been done till now. One is the web the other is media the more relied by tourists is word of mouth or the experience that a tourists take home. Apart from creating a website what other options are available? Newsletter magazine and arrangement of special events including exchange visits among various regions. 25. Who to contact here, there, every where to discuss these issues. Who are the imaginative experts Tourism also needs a mind set for this purpose colloquiums, debates, exhibitions sightseeing tours and all discussions for a in the media may be used including word of mouth and the senior citizens. 26. What efforts can be made to project NWFP at local air ports and bus station (Daewoo etc) Kiosiks with brochures and a computer on which net can be accessed through a card shall be installed in prominent places . Facilitation centers. These are roadside facilities ahead of a city or at inter links where toilets. Tuck shops and other basic food items are available but present policy of the ministry of petroleum has eased it a lot by making it compulsory for fuel retailers to have all this thus coordinating with them would soften the matter to an extent of solution 27. How to start tourism studies in NWFP in Colleges, Universities diplomas/degree course both public private. Already allama iqbal university is offering diploma hazara university is doing the same. we may associate IMS hayatabd and Gulibagh PAK austrain institute besides universities in the private sector to come up with courses with internationally accepted curricula we may subsidize and provide seed money. 28. Prospects of utilizing the motor way to facilitate Takhtbai, Khyber, Kund (Golf)? Prospect of coordinating with Railways, Daewoo to “ discover NWFP” .Potential of shrines – How to use them for domestic & foreign tourism. How many – where? Yes the motorway would have a greater impact its master plan must have roadside facilities and at takht bhai some investor has to be sponsored to built a hotel etc. Shrines like local pir baba and kaksahib may also be promoted together with syed ahmed shaheed. Railway and Daewoo can be provided subsidy to start services to some sites initially and the experience gained must determine further courses 29. Using PTV & private TV Channels for promotion. How ?. Sponsoring sight seeing or tourism related awareness issue but a regular programme in local and intl languages would probably help more. 30. Is there any list of hotels and residential facilities area wise in NWFP available. Have they been rated. If not how to go about. A directory by department of tourist services research and publication wing ministry of tourism is printed yearly for the whole country indicating hotels operators and all relevant data. 31. Ways - means to make organization host conferences & seminars in NWFP especially related to militancy & terrorism . What else ?. A dialogue type from among the locals can be made to evolve and gradually raised to seminar workshop and conference level from regional to international level on the theme of operating in one own domain with individual faiths but regards for others to establish fraternity. 32. How to help tour operators devise packages . city tours and local sight seeing needs investment in the form of transportation we can work out with banks one window loans for sponsoring interested travel and tour operators. 33. Is there any mechanism to rate tour operators. How to go about it, thereby making them compete. The department of tourist services with its regional offices all around the country does maintain licensing categorization ad ranking. However we can work out a plan in consultation with them to work out a better competing environment. 34. Prospects of use of non custom paid comfortable transport in Malakand division conditions already exists. This is a viable option need a plan and strategy to be coordinated with local transport authority and it would have a positive impact on malakand economy also. 35. Making Chitral, Swat Airport functional on daily basis. Who can do it if PIA does not. Army aviation has a subsidiary with name askari aviation they and the flying club besides gulf air or any other friendly airline can be approached and pia emphasized upon to keep up daily flights .the CAA may also need to be involved. 36. Ensuring winter tourism by ensuring Chitral, Naran, Gallyat open the year round… Skiing is one option snowfall another but clearing transportation roads free from snow comes first. That taken care of it may take time but a culture of winter holidays package can be introduced. 37. Prospects of development of resort area. Where ?, by whom ?. What parameters ?. How can govt. facilitate (NWFP should be rich for such sites). Transportation from and to these areas Resort development may be taken after proper feasibilities addressing all issues ranging from environment through culture and thereafter the interested party in the newly opened up areas be allowed to built operate and own. 38. Tourism popular path be identified. What facilitation can the govt. do on these paths ?. Silk route, Shershah suri road, Alexander paths and so many trails well researched by IUCN in the name of cultural heritage trails can be a lead document. 39. Prospect for camping grounds, mobile caravans. What facilities security needs to be provided. What sites would be the best. Security is after the establishment of camping grounds equipped with toilets, water .electricity, gas, fuel, telephone and basic food items in the naturally tourist spots so abundant in northern NWFP. Uphill’s in hazara and chitral in the beginning with just followed bt swat and so on. Mobile caravans have to be provided on easy terms under leasing system to individuals through banks and security agencies may be hired or the existing security agencies after orientation in tourism be deputed. 40. What sites are available /suitable for chairlifts. NWFP is rich in all sites that are natural so starting from the novel place like saiful malook connected to lolo pat or lowari connected to ziarat are some instances but there are many one is panakot. 41. Establishment of zoo This is an essential and wild life department has to be pushed that alike phaseantaries zoos are a must for local enthusiasts besides any international interest. 42. Establishment of research & statistic section in STC. Trained manpower may be hard to find in consultation with ministry of tourism a plan to coordinate with immigration and passport and other relevant agencies be worked out to get the figures compiled and segregated into appropriate sections of tourists by using guidelines of WTO. . What essential are required Liaison and permission where necessary with consent of all agencies in harmony after a careful worked out wing of professionals including gender parity in employment and relation with tourism industry are a must. . How to collect data naturally data of embarkment and disembarkment from CAA with record of those paying airport taxes alongwith those crossing border by road are the sources of data. . How to identify trends The increase or decrease in nature adventure and other tourism segment shall indicate where to work proactively where optimally and where slow. . What trends need to be identified. The choices by region and category and places visited how often by domestic or intl tourist shall provide the direction and roadmap. 37. Prospects . International & National photographic competition of NWFP . Winner be duly rewarded . well publicized. In the beginning starting from schools, colleges universities and general public this competition may be enhanced to a bigger loop through the media and some popular channels/websites/FM radio be also involved. 38. Must visit sites for each touristic potential area/city of NWFP needs to be developed. – Who can help. We have the city significant site map of the old walled city and the original is lying in CDMD it can be further improved with more sign boards a descriptive narration on site and local city guided tours through trained guides. Similarly the municipality of each city does have old and new maps and the same principle may be applied. 39. Appropriate training for LEAs personnel to deal & look after tourists. How? LEVi persons may be imparted refresher and etiquettes short course from the professional tourism industry people how to behave to tourists being a source of earning for the region. 40.Medical facilities at main tourist areas. How to improve. First class OPD/Causality departments be opened up in tourist region out of ADP funds by Health department and they be emphasized that it is the requirement bare minimum. 41. Massive awareness campaign regarding importance of tourism in earning across the board lively hood and co opting the local community for their pro active role in ensuring that no element (militancy) spoil the environment . How to go about it? The present platform in tourist regions from the enterprise development point of view of existing village organizations in tourist areas may be collaborated with and than tourism promotion local groups be organized around there own guest houses from there existing houses to be hosts to paid guests .it may also involve a cultural evening for the paid guest as per local norms. 42. How to plan and control overcrowded tourist areas e.g Naran, Kalam, Gillyat. The carrying capacity or in general terms the ability to hold on to a particular number of people in a balanced manner has deteriorated with time so stringent adherence to PEPA ACT 1997 and building rules besides ban on clearing of forests are some of the many measures. 43. Prospects of targeted specific publicity literature for countries that have interest in NWFP Tourism e.g: Printing .making available promotional material in mother tongues of far eastern and neighboring countries would help promote tourism. Japan - gandhara Budhiasm Japanese market needs to be more assured and provided what promised to establish credibility. China- Buddhiast . The Chinese market together with india and other countries in the region could provide an easy affordable interesting package. Indian ,market may include there places of worship and of religious importance besides other tourist sites. West – Mountaineering , Trekking adventure Gulf, hunting green mountain. Olives. The olives would encourage rich farming for local communities from wild orchids grafting. Mountaineering needs from trainers which may be had fro alpine club of Pakistan or adventure foundation. Similarly there are licencezed trekkers with designated roots where in permits from ministry of tourism can be obtained for specific parts of NW FP The game reserves and hunting standards for the enthusiasts from gulf region can be collaborated upon with wildlife and worked out. 44. How to ensure that properties of PTDC in NWFP are best utilized . and they do promote tourism here. - What mechanism is there to check & evaluate this. The PTDC does not held itself accountable to STC in STC memorandum its written to assist sister organization and even not to compete them. A close liaison through PTDC board may be worked out for such monitoring how reportedly they are being sold out.. 45. Regular Arts & Crafts, festival. Where . when. How. STC and Department of fine arts of university of Peshawar had been working in the past closely including private fine arts institution thus competitions exhibitions of them related to tourism needs to be worked out together with all to hold it at nishtar hall.also local artifacts in collaboration with private enterprising artisan such as chappal makers, kaddar makers. chitrali pattu, swati chader etc may also be planned, 46. What provincial taxes are levied on tourist related business e.g Hotels, Restaurants, Travel Agent Operators, amusement parks, Fuel pumps etc 47. SomeRs.10!) bed charges plus local charges are imposed over and above the federal taxes which are always criticized by the business owners and all the licenses are issued by the department of tourist services having a regional office at fv trust building.. 48. – How many taxes are there? Starting from sales tax there is reportedly a mess of taxes from food items through accommodation but its mostly evaded. Can they be consolidated into Tourism investment Fund in the STC. The executive order, Ordinance of competent authority after justifying consolidated taxes reinvestment into tourism propagation shall be the route of transferring all the proceeds to TIF encompassing its use For implementation of Tourism policy. Spending criteria can be specified by formulation of a governing body drawn from concerned agencies involved whether public or private. 46-A. Prospects of holding tourism Raffle week to generate funds for tourism The activity may be arranged in consultation with IMS, University of Peshawar and all the willing academic institutions plus banks and advertisers including TV channels. It may be started locally to be expanded as circumstances develop ahead. . 47. Documentary film of areas of NWFP Malakand Division, Hazara etc. Making them available in internet & other media outlets. WEBSITE for the sports, culture, tourism, youth affairs, archaeology and museums has been awarded to messers softtek islamabad in april 2007 they have been paid only one fifth of rs eight lacs fifty thousand spread over a span of two years with one year operation and maintenance also. Regarding the payments versus progress a meeting of them has been held with ST&IT directorate on 15.10.08.The Terms of reference of website states that tourism be the leading supported by sports, culture, youth affairs, archaeology and museums and it has been bought in MDSTC as well as Secretary notice and MD shall be Meeting the firm responsible soon. These consultants may also host and suggest measures such as live cameras connected to web site of tourism in tourist areas that might give live watch access to those sites etc. 48. What feasibility studies are under process?.we are not processing any feasibility study but we have a ten million plus two million scheme for shekh badin and mahaband for which none turned up despite repeating the whole tendering process thrice by departmental consultant selection committee. What feasibility studies we have at present that were finalized in the past. Eleven feasibilities studies namely, provincial, hazara, malakand, chairlift galyat, tanda dam, trekking and camping in galyat, kabal hotel with golf course, extension of miandam hill resort, mahodhand national park and tourist facilities, kund park(complex),lake saiful malook tourist facilities besides STCs own medium plan for urban tourism for Peshawar, swat, abbotabd, kohat, mardan and DIKhan prepared. Many other small and area specific plans through student intern paid honoraria have been prepared other than those prepared and executed through Funds from ADP. 49. What brochures maps, publicity materials were made by STC ?. STC made brochures for hazara , malakand, kund, galyat, peshawar,tribal araeas, the bhuddist areas plains of mardan , charsadda and swabi. Sign Boards, hoardings and handouts were in addition , finally having posters , provincial brochures and videos. Where are they?. Mostly these brochures have been sent to various fares and marts abroad in /with the material of Ministry of tourism /PTDC.Also local ,regional and distribution during special events have a practice .Under world touridm organization tourism basic informational material has to be free of cost. Some stock of videos with brochures and posters lie in the headquarters. 50. PTDC properties in Sindh were taken by the Government of Sindh given to the STDC If yes, How. The sind government must have lobbied for it and the PTDC must have been unable to operate them. Doing the same here would it be beneficial to us or not. Public face is very little suited for tourism where smile(feminine) is the norm therefore in case we lobby and succeed we may lease them out through public private partner ship. There was a proposals to convert this Corporation to an authority. The functions of an authority are in consonance with the international growth of economy it may need fine tuning to the local conditions that implies also providing role models for replication by the private sector. The notion of only being a source of income for a public sector organization in a developing environment is difficult to justify due to the prerequisite of a conducive environment for generating income needs to be established first. What are pros and cons in this (income tax related). In the current registration after obtaining through hiring of chartered firm law associates license under section 42 of the companies act or ordinance as not working for profit implying reinvesting into the continuous support of tourism, the corporation assets and investments would become exempted from federal board of revenue. As an authority the competent authority may immediately issue ordinance to be formulated from examples of British tourism bureau or alike organization in this case Sarhad Tourism Authority would have notl only to regulate all about tourism under an over policy but also make it grow more faster by playing lead demonstrative role where ever required. For archaeological sites in NWFP, periodical international conferences of archaeologists travel writers etc need to be held. No doubt that holding of International, national , regional ,local and specific targeted get together of academia, media , public and private sector is a tool in promoting tourism. It has to be sponsored by the public sector initially until its self sustaining with contribution by benefitting industry in this case the services in tourism sector How? The academia, Media ,public and private sector at the local level be brought together in seminars , workshops and conferences to ponder upon the comparative advantage of tourism and its propagation in their deliberations. This process may be steadily expanded to regional and national or international level by removing bottlenecks at each stage. How to integrate the national Parks (2) Wild life sanctuaries (5) - game reserves (26) . into harnessing tourism. The parks, sanctuaries and game reserves must not be technically disturbed from wildlife, forestry or flora-fauna department rather its function falling in the purview of Tourism may be optimally coordinated and thoughtfully integrated similar strategy with any fedral or government agencies shall be adopted to enhance tourists flow across the board. How can they be improved. The initial investment of course would be from the national exchequer that ultimately had to be phased out for taking over by the private sector. The current rule in west is 25 percent is retained by the state mostly in regulatory and its enforcement functions. . Details of trekking routes. What facilities are necessary . How to go about it ?. How to organize community participation at tourist areas. The international center for integrated mountain development has demonstrated that tourism promotion organization starting with clean guest house from with in the existing houses of the villagers may become a point of interest for the tourist. This strategy may be integrated with community organizations already working for multi-sectoral projects. funding for the same The existing funding of the development projects in the enterprise promotion sector may be used for starting with. Target areas be identified These activities may be initialized from the kalash region in Chitral expanding to balakot and upper Chitral later to swat and subsequently to Takhtbhai and the plains. Model Tourist area to show Government commitment – what can be done in this area? On the analogy of export processing zones areas can be demarked to interested investors who may take away the profits in 25:75 ration ie reinvesting 25 percent and taking away 75 percent with no restriction on import of equipment and man power from foreign countries. Infrastructure development Roads, chopper service chartered flights, hospitals, telecommunications and appropriate accommodation with suitable security measures are some dimensions that can be worked out with the rest of the departments in the provincial government. Utilities Utilities such as net cafes, toilets, restaurants and availability of tourists purchasing items may be made available through out the province. Diverse entertainment Tourists may have the options such as freely roaming around, swimming and much ,ore in order to let them stay more resulting in more income. Local job opportunity. The money spent from tourists has a multiplier effect that reaches the grass root level and thereby it helps in reduction of poverty and may be the ultimate driver of growth for a NWFP as pointed out by the world bank in its report for the structural adjustment loan II. Community & participation. Unless the communities are aware of the fact that we have to sell our hospitality in a manner that does not affect our own cultural values and are supportive for attracting more and more tourists , it would not be possible to achieve tourism as a tool of income generation the AGA KHAN RURAL SUPPORT VILLAGE GUEST HOUSE MODEL in hunza is a case in point. Security. Security is a concern until the host communities are not aware of the benefits of tourism benefits once that’s is done it would be a more secure environment for the tourist as they will become assets for the communities for income generations and they will take there care. Promotion of the area to attract investment Areas may be promoted in a manner that the people living there are supportive of touristic activities initially pro actively propagating there traditional cultural activities. The remaining tools may follow the word of mouth strategy. 57. Japanese Note. (Review of Investment Portfolio for promoting tourism investment in Pakistan) a must read. The Japanese note on investment is very cautiously promoting the ghandharan art, culture and sites as tools for the far eastern states with one window loan service for the prospective entrepreneur especially Japanese knowing guides and better transportation with acceptable international lodging facilities including Japanese cuisine also. Effective marketing strategy . An effective marketing strategy is one which is self propagating once its rolled out by the think tank of public private partner ship. It is self advancing after the initial injection of capital and resources since the business generated from such a strategy opportionates funds for reinvestment into it to create a bigger volume of business. How to introduce our selves domestically and internationally to potential tourist The writers to NWFP had been quoting it as Asias best kept secret but the word of mouth has been instrumental for the thrill seekers to come to this region time and again. At times to observe the USSR-AFGAHNISTAN war through the ALQAEEDA factor .even the Balakot can be used as an instrument of tourist attraction. Ghandhara is our biggest asset coupled with our hospitality and tribal culture. Explicitly an advertisement on CNN/BBC with a theme such as Malaysia truly Asia would give it a boost. It can be the land of the world largest living tribe the puktoons living on either side of Durand line there custom and festivities etc. Note on nature tourism by Dr. M. Mumtaz Malik a must read. Doctor Mumtaz Malik is key expert who had been working on wild life through artificial farming and increasing there number. However his efforts have been a solo flight despite STC always been keen bringing him on board and trying to integrate his work with toursim.STC has been years on the Commission on forestry and wildlife. The practice that has been typically adopted by Doctor sahib has been diverting ecotourism funds received from foreign donors to ecotourism restricted to wildlife silently. The term eco tourism is ecological tourism that takes into account all living and non living things in a system such as a pond the ingredients in it in relation to air and all surroundings form ecology. From the point of view of tourist, as he lands what hindrances inconveniences he faces. How can they be removed ? How can STC help ? The hindrances/ inconvenience a tourist face after getting in into NWFP especially via air route may be the absence of a counter at the airport that may offer pick drop, putting up at a hotel, and information on what to/where to go. How ever this too is in fact absent in a very formal form other wise informally these may be available in bits and pieces by the small entrepreneurs like the taxi drivers and traditional tourist receiving guides that may be present on the airport. STC may provide a one window service through the private sector by convincing them to be present all their services in/on a counter that STC negotiates with the civil aviation authority and to be paid out of the contribution from the taxi operators/tour operators/travel agents/hoteliers/tour guides. 61. Tourism Raffle week. The tourism raffle week is a type of marketing and awareness tool which can also be used for generating funds for the creation of the tourism investment fund. the SAAF games raffle scheme is an example in point or the refrigerators or electronics industry uses such measures. Funds collected be allocated to TIF. The funds collected under the raffle scheme besides rewarding the winners may be injected into the industry of hospitality to generate more avenues for promotion of tourism. This fund may be managed by a board constituted for the purpose with representation from all segments of society. Prices would include free all inclusive tours to foreign & domestic destination. The winners may be given awards that are adventurous tours to national and international tourist destinations with complimentary stay and some shopping also. It may increase awareness in public of importance of tourism for economy. The advertising campaign and the raffle scheme itself would act as a medium of generating public interest thereby creating a chain of dialogue for the people to think about resulting in awareness raising. A theme of tourist related activities can be identified in tickets sale. The various touristic sites and cultural or special events may be synonymous with various ticket categories increasing the knowledge about various destinations of the common man.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 18:53:47 +0000

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