If we are going to confront and fight police killing black men we - TopicsExpress


If we are going to confront and fight police killing black men we also need to confront black men killing black men Im a cop in one of the deadliest cities in the United States of America every morning day and night I see black men killing eachother off at a rate approaching genocide and theres never outrage If there is outrage its few far and in between Instead our communities is submerged in a STOP SNITCHING era LET ME MAKE THIS CRYSTAL CLEAR I dont condone the killing of an innocent man black man Asian man or white man etc by any man AND I DONT CONDONE A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER KILLING AN INNOCENT UNARMED MAN.... but to see our people do the things they do to each other every single damn day morning and night is frightening!!! Maybe if we come together unified and as one maybe if we show the rest of the world that we respect ourselves our lives The lives of our mothers father sisters brothers children friends etc and love ourselves enough not to hurt harm kill moleste rape and murder eachother maybe the rest of the world will see that respect that and know that we are not to be messed with played with targeted or killed..... MAYBE IF WE RESPECT OURSELVES OTHERS WILL RESPECT US AS WELL IF THEY DONT SEE THAT AND UNDERSTAND THAT, THEN OTHER STEPS NEED TO BE TAKEN!!! Maybe if we ORGANIZE AND BECOME STRUCTURED AS A PEOPLE WE CAN PROPERLY AND EFFECTIVELY COMBAT RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY IN A WAY THAT NO OTHER LIVES WILL BE LOST NOBODY WILL BE PUT IN JAIL MAYBE IF WE GO TO ALL THESE CHURCHES IN ALL THESE CITIES AND IN ALL THESE NEIGHBORHOODS THAT GENERATE SO MUCH MONEY FROM OUR PEOPLE AND FORCE THEM TO PUT THAT MONEY RIGHT BACK INTO THE BLACK COMMUNITIES MAYBE WE CAN KEEP THE YOUTH OFF THE STREETS THROUGH VARIOUS PROGRAMS AND MAYBE WE CAN GET THESE DRUG DEALERS OFF THE STREETS AND DOING SOMTHING POSITIVE OR BACK INTO SCHOOL OBTAINING THEIR GEDS AND COLLEGE DEGREES SO THAT THEY CAN BECOME PRODUCTIVE RESPECTABLE CITIZENS MAYBE WE CAN EVEN GET OUR OWN PEOPLE TO HELP POLICE THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS MAYNE WE CAN GET PEOPLE TO HELP THEIR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES THERES SO MUCH MORE WE CAN DO AS A PEOPLE THE KEY IS......... ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:14:48 +0000

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