If we are indeed dealing with a Luciferic system where death, - TopicsExpress


If we are indeed dealing with a Luciferic system where death, human sacrifice, global domination and control is the name of the game, then how do we step out of that game? How do we protect ourselves and nature from the evil death that has swept across the face of this planet? Choosing life over death is key. Which Spiritual beings here has made a claim that they are alive, their body (person) is theirs and who exercised that claim and confronted anybody who should trespass against that claim? If you dont claim your own body then is it not open for others to stake a claim? Courts do it all the time, its called jurisdiction. I will admit that most of the time it is due to our own ignorance and that we willfully participate. However, once one realizes who they are, then standing against the claims of others becomes more clear and easier (but not easy) to rebut or confront. Just as Christ rebuked the devil and instructed him to stand behind him when the devil was tempting Christ, we too much rebuke those who would tempt us. People get so caught up in the man made rules that they are completely blinded by a much higher principle of life; the moral and ethical standards upon which we treat one another. Force, whether that be from the barrel of a gun, head of a gavel or the stroke of a pen, is immoral and unethical. The greatest challenge in life is learning how to have relationships with others without resorting to force. Boundaries will be critical and as such I refuse to let anybody else stake a claim over my body, mind or soul. I refuse to let anybody else stake a claim over any land our resources that I need to support my body either. For I stand as steward just as I was commanded to do by the Creator. I have a duty to protect and foster prosperity for all. Scares the hell out of me and because of that I continue to confront that fear by forging ahead out of principle and love for my self despite the evil rampage that continues to march ahead and the blind that follows. I weep ... My heart aches ... I AM at peace ... I AM Spirit ... I AM that I AM
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:30:32 +0000

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