If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive - TopicsExpress


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9 I have a small RV that I like to use occasionally. It is parked in the back of my house and is built on a Toyota truck. When you get a motor home one of the first things with which you become aware is how much maintenance it requires in order for it to be ready to use. One would not think that not using something would make it unusable, but it does. Now, I know all about airing up the tires, keeping the tanks flushed out and keeping the batteries charged. If I am going to the mountains or Possum Kingdom I had better keep it maintained. If we are ever going to fully enjoy our relationship with God we must maintain our fellowship with Him. So how do we do that kind of maintenance? John tells us here in this very important verse. A Consciousness of Sin. Sin is the only thing that can violate our fellowship with God. We need to examine our lives in the light of God’s Word. I have found from studying not only Scripture but also the history of God’s revival movements that when God begins to do a new work, He begins by making us painfully aware of our sin. We need to pray, “Lord God, make me sensitive to the things in my life that are contrary to Your will.” A Confession of Sin. Confession means “to say the same thing.” It isn’t necessarily begging God to forgive you, but agreeing with God about sin and saying the same thing about sin that He says about it. Once a woman said, “Oh, I wouldn’t call what I do ‘gossip’. I just have a talkative nature.” I replied that God will forgive gossiping if we admit it’s a sin, but God won’t forgive a “talkative nature.” (Do you see why I am rarely asked to be an interim pastor?) A Cleansing from Sin. Sometimes we want God to forgive us because we don’t want to be punished and we don’t want to turn off the tap of His blessings − but we aren’t interested in being cleansed. Why? Because we get used to and then start liking the sin. In some ways it is like my house when it gets really messy. I start getting used to messy. It has to be made right. There may be those that disagree with me but I don’t believe that God forgives without cleansing. Confession has to be continual. If, at the moment we become aware that we have sinned, we confess-we agree with Him-there is immediate forgiveness. God restores the fellowship. Confession needs to be complete. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins” – did you notice that “sins” is plural? We need to be specific, confessing our sins one by one. And confession should always be confident. Some Christians are unable to forgive themselves of forgiven sin. Counselors report that a major problem with their patients is guilt. We go to God and confess a sin, and then we still carry it around. Many years ago I happened to counsel a couple with marital problems. The wife told me, “Every day for the past year I have asked God to forgive me.” What I heard her say was that God had not forgiven her. I guess that would make God a liar. But the Bible says that if we confess, He will forgive. This woman was not offering a confident confession. The Advocacy of the Savior. A little bit farther down John says that Jesus is a good lawyer. (I Jn 2:1-2) He is in good standing with the court: He is called “Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” And He already has paid for my crime. What an unusual lawyer He is! He doesn’t plead innocence for us. He doesn’t plead justifiable circumstances for us. He pleads His blood. He says to God, “Father, look at the nail prints in My hands and feet. I don’t plead their innocence-I plead My blood. I’ve already paid for every sin on the list.” And the verdict? “There is now no condemnation.” (Rom 8:1) If you want to “Share” these thoughts with others please do so. I always appreciate your comments.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 20:40:10 +0000

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