If we created you in our image and likeness MR AFRIKKAN surely we - TopicsExpress


If we created you in our image and likeness MR AFRIKKAN surely we can raise you up from the DEAD. I AM THAT I AM 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. An EYE for 10 Eyes. Only then would they stop their foolishness. Busy not yourselves arguing the name of the Createreerr for their are many names associated to I AM THAT I AM when we came to Muhammad I AM ALLAH and unto FARRAKKHAN I AM THE SUN IN THE WEST And my spirit can MANIFEST IN ERAERNERY (ANY) BODY I choose. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. ELIJAH MUHAMMAD meant no offence to the CAUCASIAN MAN who over time have come to know that the BLACK MAN was the original man. For BAHAULLAH came and accepted all the RACES ON EARTH. In 2014 some white people still carry hate towards the chosen people the BLACK RACE who lost their GOD I AM THAT I AM (ALLAH), known among the YORUBA people as OLUDUMARE. For they corrupted the TEXT so we sent down the QURAN. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. 18 Billion Years 4 Days Ago. IF ONLY FARRAKHAN COULD BE PRESIDENT THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE. ANSWER: He who is a servant and Messenger of GOD rules the WORLD & THE UNIVERSE, for 2000 Years the Teachings of FARRAKKHAN & ELJAH MUHAMMAD would remain among you until you deviate from our Path when another servant and Messenger shall come (4020) I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. ORISHA : RULES THE SPIRIT WORLD.(ER) End your Children Names with (ER) RED : BAHAULLAH WHITE : KRISHNA PURPLE : Dr. FARRAKKHAN. I AM THAT I AM.(OLUDUMARE) 0000 - 0110. The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. O SUNS OF THE AFRIKKAN SPIRIT you are no longer slaves, remove the shackles from yeroeruerr(Your) Children minds by getting your SPIRITUAL ORDER. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ... And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. -- Daniel 12:4-9 I AM THAT I AM 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 “Religion needs to be reformed. Going to church is fine; going to the mosque is fine; going to the synagogue is fine. Going to any place of worship is fine—but the problem is not with those who believe, the problem is in the streets. And if we are not actively engaged where the crime is, where the violence is, where the decadence is, where the need is, then we are not with Jesus, we are not with Moses and the prophets, nor are we with Muhammad, peace be upon these worthy servants of God. ---The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Oct. 19, 2014, Kingston, Jamaica Read more: finalcall/…/Minister_Lo…/article_101856.shtml ELIJAH MOHAMMED Dr. FARRAKKHAN Dr. KRISHNAISLAM. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. BAHAULLAH. ELIJAH MUHAMMAD Dr. FARRAKKHAN, Interpretation of Prophecy The interpretation of prophecy is notoriously difficult, and on no subject do the opinions of the learned differ more widely. This is not to be wondered at, for, according to the revealed writings themselves, many of the prophecies were given in such a form that they could not be fully understood until the fulfillment came, and even then, only by those who were pure in heart and free from prejudice. Thus at the end of Daniels visions the seer was told: But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ... And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. -- Daniel 12:4-9 If God sealed up the prophecies until the appointed time, and did not fully reveal the interpretation even to the prophets who uttered them, we may expect that none but the appointed Messenger of God will be able to break the seal and disclose the meanings concealed in the casket of the prophetic parables. Reflection on the history of prophecies and their misinterpretation in previous ages and dispensations, combined with the solemn warnings of the prophets themselves, should render us very chary of accepting the speculations of theologians as to the real meaning of these utterances and the manner of their fulfillment. On the other hand, when someone appears who claims to fulfill the prophecies, it is important that we examine his claim with open, unprejudiced minds. Should he be an impostor, the fraud will soon be discovered and no harm will be done, but woe to all who carelessly turn Gods Messenger from the door because He comes in an unexpected form or time. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. You Judge the measure of that civilization by the WOMEN. The ARABS were the most ignorant and Barbaric on the Face of the EARTH until we raised up Prophet Muhammad. Black America would be the Most enlightened when they seek Knowledge from the Servant and Messenger of GOD ELIJAH MUHAMMAD who raised up the SUN in the WEST. All the servants and Messengers of GOD are mocked and scorned until their Tree bear FRUIT. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Antwan Says: December 20, 2012 at 8:46 pm | Reply Keith, this is why I say black people need to start going to college for psychology and psychiatry. Because we don`t realize that the conquerers has given us their phony religions in return for our lives. The white man is the best at creating fairy tales and the black man is the best at believing them. It`s no coincidence that the black man worships the Gods of the very people who enslaved us. This is what I call the slave mentality. And this really bothers me. I am really hurt that black people trust in the white man that kidnapped us from our home. Murdered millions of us just for sport. Used our black babies as alligator bait. But the black man won`t listen to other black people who have dedicated their very own lives to teach how these false religions came into being. We have a serious problem here Keith. I classify this as a form of retardation. And we need as many black doctors as we can get to undo the way we think. We do everything wrong and you can`t tell the black man and woman they are wrong. They will shoot you if they have a gun in their hands. They will kill you over a white and Arab God…lol I COME AS I AM, I AM AS I COME….AN AFRICAN MAN!!!!! I AM THAT I AM. 1929 – 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 – 4020 RED : BAHAULLAH WHITE : KRISHNA PURPLE : Dr. FARRAKKHAN. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. No Religion kept it simple for AFRIKAN people for they all corrupted the TEXT and created images in their own likeness from Hinduism to Christianity. Removing from the Afrikan child mind the Blackness of their UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL TEACHERS. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 AFRIKKANS would only get it right when they align themselves back to their AFRIKKAN Universal Spiritual Teachers : RELIGIOUS ORDERS: From which the nine Major Religions evolved and the perfection of ISLAM KRISHNAISLAM from the SUN risings in the WEST. KRISHNA ABRAM BUUDHA ZOROASTER MOSES YEHOSHUA MUHAMMAD BAB BAHAULLAH Dr. FARRAKKHAN.(The SUN has risen in the WEST. God Judgement on Earth) I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. When the UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES becomes the center of learning for AFRIKANS in AMERICA only then would MARCUS GARVEY & ELIJAH MUHAMMAD teachings be finally fulfilled. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Religion is the ORDER, Spirituality is your personal connection to the Createreerr. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 ORISHA : RULES THE SPIRIT WORLD. I AM THAT I AM. 0000 - 0110. The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. The World has no Beginning and no END, ALKEBULAN.: INDIA was once part of AFRICA. All Religion is ONE and came from the SAME SOURCE. Hinduism is AFRIKKAN in ORIGIN it is not INDIAN in ORIGIN. O SUNS OF THE AFRIKKAN SPIRIT from the arrogance of many Christians including the Pope, Bishops, Priest and Pastors 236,000 Christian denominations evolved dividing the teachings of YEHOSUA (JESUS) and bringing nothing but pure Bull Shit among you. O SUNS OF THE AFRIKKAN SPIRIT BAHAULLAH came and the CHRISTIAN CLERGY & SOME MUSLIMS called him the ANTI-CHRIST. O SUNS OF THE AFRIKKAN SPIRIT Master Fard Muhammad came to the servant and Messenger of God Elijah Muhammad as a Manifestation from GOD let not the NINE TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS deceive you for they all have deceived you with the Physical BODY OF A MAN NAME JESUS descending from the SKY. This is nothing but PURE BULLSHIT. O SUNS OF THE AFRIKKAN SPIRIT FARRAKKHAN is the SUN in the WEST foretold in the QURAN he did not descend from the sky but evolved from the Womb of a Woman so did all the servants and Messengers of God evolved including Yehoshua (Jesus). Divide not yourselves with RELIGION for ISLAM (KRISHNAISLAM) is the RELIGION of I AM THAT I AM. All Religion is ONE and came from the SAME SOURCE. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. If my people shall Humble themselves and call me by my NAME I AM THAT I AM (ALLAH) I shall hear their cry and heal their LANDS for there are many GODS created from the SUN. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 Master Fard Muhammad : Manifestation of God. Elijah Muhammad : Servant & Messenger of God. Dr. Luis Farrakkhan : The SUN has risen in the WEST. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020 Lessons in the Quran: Lesson - 24 - Muslim muslim.org/islam/less-qur/l24.htm Cached These are the first three verses of the 14th ... age the sun shall rise in the West. The Holy Quran has called the Holy ... it has set in the West, .. The Hem of his Garments must not be taken literally but surely the true understanding of this would be revealed to Black People by the SUN in the WEST. The BIBLE was not written for fools neither was the QURAN. It requires deeper meditation. When the fools read the SUN shall rise in the WEST some Muslims took it to mean the Material SUN shall rise in the WEST and the Scientist say Muhammad was a Mad Man. And we rose the SUN in the WEST (Dr. LUIS FARRAKKHAN) to be the UNIVERSAL TEACHER of ISLAM : KRISHNAISLAM thus fulfilling the prophecy in the QURAN The SUN shall rise in the WEST I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Genealogy of Christ and Bahaullah - UHJ uhj.net/genealogy/genealogy-of-christ.html Cached Genealogy of Bahaullah..|..12 Principles..|..Golden Rule..|.. ... Sacred Writings and Holy Books..|..Home. Contact the UHJ The descendant of King David must be the ... Religion becomes the highest level of a Civilization Development, yet some Africans are trying to UNITE THEIR PEOPLE with no Religion, it just would not work..............Dr. KRISHNAISLAM I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. Ben Jochanan, Van Sertima, Antop Diop, Hendrik Clarke the Grand Masters of Afrikkan History and World History have proven that the European Man destroyed Afrikkan culture and Afrikkan Spirituality. Modern day Afrikkan Scholars have to now repair all the Afrikkan children minds with Dr. Farrakhan teachings going forward and going backward till the child become conscious that Hinduism is the Afrikkans first Universal Religion established 9000 Years ago from the Teachings of KRISHNA........................Dr. KRISHNAISLAM : 15th October, 2014. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. A New evolution of knowledge came to the AFRIKKAN MAN when Elijah Muhammad announced he was a Servant and Messenger of God for the BLACK MAN IN AMERICA, thus raising the SUN IN THE WEST who became the UNIVERSAL TEACHER. Why are Black people not listening to the SUN IN THE WEST. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. AFRIKKANS are losing their spiritual power because they believe that EURO-CENTRIC CHRISTIAN JESUS is the foundation of their RELIGIONS, dividing themselves with BULLSHIT. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020. AFRIKKANS would only get it right when they align themselves back to their AFRIKKAN Universal Spiritual Teachers : KRISHNA, ABRAM, BUUDHA, ZOROASTER, MOSES, YEHOSHUA, MUHAMMAD, BAB, BAHAULLAH, Dr. FARRAKKHAN. It matters not how learned you are in History and Science if AFRIKKANS do not unite under all the UNIVERSAL RELIGIONS you would remain mentally enslaved. All Religion is ONE and came from the SAME SOURCE. Hinduism is AFRIKKAN in ORIGIN it is not INDIAN in ORIGIN. I AM THAT I AM. 1929 - 2929 The SUN has risen in the WEST. 2020 - 4020.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:54:11 +0000

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