If we do not FORMULATE PLANS for UNITY and TAKE ACTIVE STEPS to - TopicsExpress


If we do not FORMULATE PLANS for UNITY and TAKE ACTIVE STEPS to form AFRICAN REVOLUTIONARY FRONT, soon or later all our revolutionary movement at home and diaspora will be a thing of the past and the enemy is will do as they wish killing our people, and if we keep operating separately we will soon be fighting and war ring among ourselves with imperialist, colonialist and neo-colonialist standing behind the screen and pulling vicious wires to make us cut each other throats of their diabolical purposes. In the past the most genuine Pan Africanist Revolutionary Organization at home and diaspora their uncompromising leaders have experience assassination, poisoned, arrest and killing this happen to demoralize their membership, followers and the entire African nation. Leaders such as Malcolm X, Kwame Nkruma, Khalid Mohammed, Robert Sobukwe, Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba and many others. Their organizations were attacked by imperialist state propaganda also using their puppets to delay and destroy their organization. The enemy was able to do this barbaric acts because they knew that those organization have no back-up and support. This has to stop now divided we are weak UNITED could become ONE GREATEST FORCE for god in the world. If we are to become free if we are to enjoy the full benefit of Africa at home and diaspora, WE MUST UNITE FOR THE FULL INTEREST OF OUR PEOPLE. TO GO IT ALONE WILL LIMIT OUR HORIZON, CURTAIL OUR EXPECTATIONS AND THREATEN OUR LIBERTY. JOIN US WORLD WIDE PAN AFRICAN CONVENTION 2015 JUNE 12-19 AZANIA (South Africa). By Chris Sankara.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 08:06:36 +0000

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