If we dont believe that America is in life or death struggle for - TopicsExpress


If we dont believe that America is in life or death struggle for its very existence, from now until the end of times, we are living in a state of foolish denial. There is a reason it is written, That a people without vision, will perish. I would suggest that all of us take a few minutes of your precious schedule and at least listen to what the enemy have to say about who they really are and what they stand for. Now, they have declared war on us and will continue to attack us, no mater what we say or do, because evil mixed with insanity, coupled with religion and culture will never compromise or surrender. It do not matter to them whether we fight back or not. This type of enemy will never end their war against us. Yet, we have many politicians and the main stream media promoting and encouraging half hearted efforts or to completely end the war on terror all together. They are now claiming the American people are war weary. I too believe that to be true about the attitude of most Americans. Except I believe it is a result of weak leaders that are without vision who are failing to make the case that we have no choice but to fight back. Most Americans have now come to the conclusion to not fight back, without considering the consequence. All they know is they want us out of all wars, because it cost too much. The terrorist leaders that ordered the terrorist attack 9-11-2001 told their followers in so many words, that the American people is a weak, self absorbed, fat, lazy, greedy people that lack the back bone or fortitude to deal with a long drawn out war. Bush unlike Clenton caught them off gaurd by fighting back with the initial support of the American people, Congress and the media. Up until political season, then the media and the Democrat party especially after taking over both houses of Congress, turned against the war and sought every opportunity to undermine the war. Even while we had service members on the battle field. Im sorry to say, the terrorist were correct in their analysis of the American people and politicians that placed the need for more spending on social programs ahead of spending toward the very survival of this great nation.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:37:46 +0000

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