If we get lawyers in states with cruel inhumane laws against the - TopicsExpress


If we get lawyers in states with cruel inhumane laws against the homeless, were to donate there time taxpayers will save funds, the homeless might be better off. Most laws designed to punish the homeless are in fact unconstitutional. They are too broad, address matters which are no business of the state. Bad ordinances should not stand for a decade before they are challenged! They should be brought before a judge as written. There is a hideous law recently passed in two southern states;It is too broad and oversteps government wisdom by telling homeowners they can not allow the Homeless to camp on the the homeowners own property. The government has no business telling land owner who and how they can visit them and where. I know of a mother and daughter who escaped domestic violence, came to the state I was in, and camped in someones back yard for a week, - then, got an apartment. And returned to being productive community members. Without the help the back field to camp out in, they might have been forced to return to the abuser. Jailing the homeless, or there helpers is a bad and costly solution. It costed $50,000 in the late 1980s in Maine, to incarcerate one person for a year in Maine. That would house more than 5,000 homeless people. Being kind, is the least costly method of dealing with homeless children, and seniors, everyone who was once housed and currently lacks a safe abode to reside. Society also needs the media to tell the side of the story from the Poor and their helper perspective. Plus to have the news carry the words of us poor, weekly. To remind our lawyers that most of these ordinance do not pass constitutional muster, so for the good of the the US, these laws should be Challenged. If the poor and the homeless are without money for food, they are without money for hiring lawyers. So attorneys in costly and inhumane laws should act pro-bono, or for the the liberty of all! End All Poverty wants to find lawyers willing to fight for freedom in Colorado, and across the US in states with illegal plus costly ordinances Call Jan Lightfoot at 719.645.7746 If no answer call back. Everyone, Join the Facebook group, End All Poverty-Now, and post.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:50:20 +0000

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