If we have some property or some money, we do all we can to - TopicsExpress


If we have some property or some money, we do all we can to safeguard and protect it from being lost, wasted or stolen away. Why? Because we believe it belongs to us and we have all the right to have it. Whereas we dont think the same way about our faith. We neither own it nor we protect it or safeguard it from being taken away. We leave it free and let it to be taken away whosoever wants to take it from us either in piece meals or in full. In other words, we are pleased to sell it free and welcome others to take it away from us as much as they may need and as and when they may like to do so. We let our faith to be stolen from us: Sometimes through our eyes by making them see things they are not allowed to. Sometimes through our ears by making them listen to the things they are not allowed to. Sometimes through our feet by letting them take us to a liquor shop. Sometimes through our hands by letting them steel someone else’s property. Sometimes by making us earn our living through unfair means. On the contrary look how deeply the companions of our prophet (SAW) were anxious and worried about losing the faith just by moving away from his (SAW) gathering. Taqwa therefore is that condition of heart which makes it sensitive towards committing a sin. It is, in fact, that condition of ones heart which makes it think and remain cautious against committing a sin. We are trying our best to meet the requirements of our body.We know for a middle aged man 5-6 hrs. sleep is enough but we go beyond that and sleep as much as we can saying that we need to do that otherwise we wont be able to work next day. Before keeping a fast in Ramadan (Sahri time) we insure to eat and drink as much we can. Similarly at the breakfast time (Iftyaari time) we drink and eat a lot as well which generally is much more than we need to. Why? Because we want to make sure that we do full justice to our body. And if we miss taking our Sahri on some day and keep the fast without taking anything we keep on boastfully mentioning about it for the whole day just to receive the praise and appreciation from others. We do so because we feel that by not taking anything at the Sahri time we have thus deprived our body of its right to be fed before observing a fast for the whole day. We have, on our own, set the standards and requirements which we feel are necessary to make us able to observe fasts. We believe that our body will not be able to observe the fast if it is not fed with such type of sweets, juices, fruits, mutton chicken etc. In short we try our best to insure that we do full justice to the requirements of our body. But the question arises; do we do the full justice to the requirement of our faith? If we are experiencing certain health problem we visit a no. of doctors not only the general ones but the specialist ones as well, just to confirm that there is nothing serious to worry about. Then why it is only our faith which we are not so much worried or anxious about? Why we deprive it of its right to be taken care of? Why so indifference towards our faith although we claim we are Muslims, we have strong faith, we are God fearing and we have connection with Allah and His prophet (SAW). And Allah Knows best.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 09:40:54 +0000

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