If we keep cribbing about our destiny, our lives, and the country - TopicsExpress


If we keep cribbing about our destiny, our lives, and the country we are born in, we can never be successful and neither can we be productive for the nation. But if we decide to work hard, make our own destiny, nothing is impossible. Cribbing is not the solution, neither it is cursing the public or the nation. We all have the capability to bring a change. If Chinese or Japanese people would have thought the way we Indians do, their nations wouldnt be where they are today. The biggest problem is our attitude problem, we categorize people. If someone is a sweeper, he is lower than us, if someone is descending from a BMW, he is higher than us. First we need to stop this categorization. Both, the sweeper and the BMW guy are the same. Both are working somewhere, earning for their families, both are humans. If we keep on showing this attitude to the public, the children will head into wrong directions. How many kids work part-time along with college in India? Lets say 10%. How many work part-time abroad? 99%. They work not because they cant afford the education or because they cant take loans, but because there is no discrimination. They will not be made fun of, if they are delivering pizzas in the evening and attending college in day time. They will not be laughed at if they are filling gas even for their fellow classmates. This is the problem only in our country, specifically in Punjab. People care so much about their social-status that a middle class man is literally being crushed in between the poor and the rich. Its us who have to change this attitude and its us who have to rise above the pessimistic thinking and being fake. Everyone needs money. Everyone works. Simple as that. Easy money is an illusion, it will either land you in jail or somewhere else but never provide the satisfaction that comes with working honestly
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:31:34 +0000

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