If we want to show our children the Jesus they’ll follow for - TopicsExpress


If we want to show our children the Jesus they’ll follow for life, then demonstrate love for broken, poor, marginalized people. As I’ve tried to apply this knowledge to my parenting, I find my kids understand God better through story, community and justice, than apologetics or dogmatic theology. And I’m discovering new opportunities to capitalize on certain postmodern ideals that line up beautifully with the Kingdom. Since postmodern kids respond best to authentic and honest parenting, it’s important to avoid any hint of a controlling, appearance-based approach. I must lead with my life, not just my lips. Let’s tell our kids, “It’s okay to mess up. I don’t expect you to be a perfect kid, as I’m certainly not a perfect parent.” With the Lord’s help we can create a house of grace. To model what to do with failure: to apologize, try again, try a different way, learn from it, and don’t regret every mistake. It’s not always easy for me to trust God is playing a crucial role in my kids’ lives. I’m just one piece of their story. Thankfully, I can fail and make all sorts of mistakes, and God is still sovereign over all. But it is my role to teach my kids to love Jesus, not just a set of rules. To talk about His character, love, passion and heroics as much as I talk about biblical behaviors. I believe our kids will be less likely to get lost in culture if they have experienced the dynamic, loving, radical Jesus. When they know Him in a life-changing way, they learn to engage culture as a change agent and advocate without getting tainted by its influence. This is how God designed the Kingdom. He raises up disciples and releases them on the planet. It’s easy to fear when our family colors outside the lines, wanders down unlikely roads or takes risks when everyone else takes the safe route. But if they love Jesus and contend for His glory, then they will hear one day, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And you will, too. God, in parenting, above all else I ask for Your wisdom. Teach me to parent the children I have, not the child I was or the kids I thought I would have. Open my eyes to ways to show them Jesus every day in ordinary life. Give me Your heart for the poor and broken so that I may pass that onto my children. Lord, win over my kids to Your love and help me not focus on only winning them to Your rules. Help me raise disciples, and lead us all in the way everlasting. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Proverbs 31 devotional
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:26:06 +0000

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