If we were thinking of approaching the British Legion and The - TopicsExpress


If we were thinking of approaching the British Legion and The Arch Bishop of Canterbury and leaders from Peace initiatives and organisations and other churches to come and join with us and lobby the government for an end to War ,what would you think ? would you think us crazy ? or would you think it sounds the right thing to do and plausible ? Given that all are pro peace organisations that do not profit in any way from war .... If they got behind the Peace movements and put an end to the carnage of war, then there jobs would be so much easier.. Money for the living and the future...£25 billion is being used for conflict in 2015 £100 billion has already gone ? Austerity and poverty abounds ...more coffins coming home from abroad.... The British legion have great power and on their own admittance, to persuade the government. This is a Quote from the Legion in 2011 When the Legion speaks, government listens.” These arent our words but those of a former Secretary of State for defence Weve built up an enviable reputation in the country’s corridors of power. And that’s exactly as it should be. Forces men and women need a powerful voice Ive copied this from the British Legions annual reports and accounts 2011, In their own words, they have the power to affect change. Imagine Peace! imagine no more deaths of young people ..the cenotaph would be for those who have gone before and not here and now. Surely then the government would have to sit up and take notice. In this centenary year the best testament we can give is for huge strides to be made by all organisations to join together and put war to bed! We would like to hear from anyone who could give us positive input on how best we can achieve this ? A petition maybe ? or a letter signed by thousands ? A meeting /discussion to be set up ?Time to make the changes ....? Would you support such an initiative ?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:08:34 +0000

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