If yew would wike tew donate tew my recovery fund or tew assist - TopicsExpress


If yew would wike tew donate tew my recovery fund or tew assist wiff my care such as fancy pants, special food fur Urinary Health & any & all upcoming Vet Appointments (First scheduled May 20th At 11am with Paradise Animal Hospital), Your help is greatly & I mean greatly appreciated becuz I would not be here today if yew had not donated in da past. I owe yew so much fur saving my life & I hope tew make yew PROUD by da efforts I put into making Munsters Mission sumfing dat will make a difference in da lives ub many families & pets. So far, Munsters Mission has given back tew several people who have contacted us fur support. As many ub yew may remember a story shared about 2wks ago for a fwiend whos dog wuz in need ub a $500 dental procedure. Funds donated tew Munsters Mission allowed us tew contribute $200 towards the cost which den gave his Mommy the ability to schedule the procedure the next morning so keep an eye out for their post on his current status. Dis is wut pawing it forward is all about and the difference we are trying tew make
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 02:21:42 +0000

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