If you are a member of Gods Church, called and begotten by God the - TopicsExpress


If you are a member of Gods Church, called and begotten by God the Father, being led by Gods Holy Spirit, to what purpose and to what job have you been called to do? Ill ask myself this question as well. To back and support the man/instrument Christ has chosen to get a job done, that job being the Matthew 24:14 Great Commission-to preach the gospel of the soon coming kingdom(government) of God! That commission was given to Herbert W Armstrong, and our job in that commission is not to do Mr.Armstrongs job, but to do the job we have been called to do. To back and support Herbert W Armstrong, the man/instrument Christ has chosen for Himself. Now, Herbert W Armstrong finished his job. What is left is OUR job. We were called to back and support Gods apostle, not to gainsay, or to doubt him, but to be loyal, faithful and true to the one Christ has chosen! 1 Thes 5:12-13 shows we are to HIGHLY ESTEEM Mr.Armstrong! Thus we are being faithful, loyal and true to Jesus Christ, because we recognize Jesus Christ as our head, and we submit unto His rulings, and to His Government, in which He placed Herbert W Armstrong over us in. If God sends a messenger, and we dont show respect nor listen to His messenger(knowing he was sent by God) then we are sending a message to God that we do not love Him, nor do we want to hear the message God is sending! Christ commands us in Revelation 3:11 to HOLD FAST, not to throw away anything, but to HOLD FAST to what was taught to us! Christ also said through His apostle, Paul, to avoid those and mark those who bring contrary teachings/doctrines that are contrary to what was taught.(Romans 16:17-18) Now these are commands from Jesus Christ, and He wants to know if we loyal or not to Him! Is Jesus Christ not the head of the Church? One person said of my Father All you have shown me is your sheer lack of love for the brethren, your lack of humility YET all my father has done is tell the truth. Those who speak lies, do not have the love of God. All my father said was that if you step to the left or to the right of Gods Truth, you have stepped into darkness. And if you do not repent immediately of your departure from that truth when shown, you will cease from being a woman of God from now on! He applied that to everyone. Is that not correct? If one leaves the truth, he/she is not with the truth, but away from it. If one steps away from a building, he/she is no longer in the building, but AWAY from it! That is why we are showing people the departures from Gods truth, which was taught and restored through Herbert W Armstrong by Jesus Christ, that these COG groups have been doing. We do this out of love for them! If we didnt truly love them, we would leave them be, and be an introvert. But we are taking a stand against what the Devil has been doing and we are putting ourselves in front of Satans firing line, so that you may have a chance to repent and make it into Gods Kingdom forever! We are not trying to gain money, followers or anything! But we, out of love for you and our brethren in Christ, want to provide you a life line back to Christ, so that you could make it! Now how does my father lack love for the brethren by speaking the truth of God and by warning them of the false teachers out there? How has he shown a lack of humility? I dont think some know what humility is actually. Because one with humility is not proudful, nor is boastful. My Father did not raise himself up in vanity, nor did he try to tear anyone down! He gave high esteem to Jesus Christ and to the servant of God Herbert W Armstrong. And he admonished you and anyone listening, to return back to the truth of God, which was taught. A lot of groups after Mr.Armstrong died(specially Tkach) has used what Aaron Dean wrote for Mr.Armstrong, as justification of taking the reigns from Herbert W Armstrong, and to try to outdo him or to redo what he did, or what Christ did through him. He himself has said he regrets this happening. They were not called to do that Job. Mr.Armstrong was. They were called and commissioned to back and support Gods apostle Herbert W Armstrong, and to feed Gods people the truth which was given through Herbert W Armstrong from Jesus Christ! There is a government structure Jesus Christ is working through! And Gods Church has that Government working in it! They dont toss out what Christ gave through His apostle over them, they HOLD FAST TO IT, as Jesus Christ has commanded us to do! They reject any false teachings/doctrine that is contrary to that Truth! And they avoid and mark those who bring it! But these COG groups are doing what Herbert W Armstrong was trying to stop! And thus you know what spirit is ruling in these COGs! If you see Elijah the prophet, fighting against and rebuking the priests of Baal, you dont fight against the man of God, but you support and back what God is/has been doing through him! If you are against that man(the man of God) and what he says, you are standing with the enemy(such as the priests of Baal) against God and His man! Look at the example of Korah and Moses! Those who feared God stayed with Moses! Gods man!Those who was not with God, stayed with Korah. And I personally do not want to be in that position, and I dont want my brethren to be in that position, because it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. We have come across many GOATS, more than sheep. We are not ministers, nor have we ever claimed to be ministers! But we have come across people claiming to be brethren, who were not being led by our shepherd, Jesus Christ. They had/were rejecting what Jesus Christ has taught and restored through Herbert W Armstrong. We dont have a carrot they want so to speak, so they fight against us, because we do not speak unto them smooth things but the truth. Goats will only go to someone if that someone has something they want. Sheep will be lead, Goats will not be led. In our defense only, we point to Gods apostle, who in turn points to Jesus Christ our Good Shepherd. Those who are of His flock will know and hear His voice. Those who do not see the need to follow such instruction, are goats, only wanting what they can get for themselves. If what Christ is offering appeases them, they will follow, until it is something that doesnt appease them. Then they will go and follow someone else that does appease to their nature, to their way of thinking. Those who reject the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which was restored and taught through Herbert W Armstrong, the end time Elijah, as Hosea 4:6 says are rejected by God! That is what we are making clear of today. We must separate the Holy from the profane, the truth from the lies, the true from the false. The PCG claims to be doing a GREATER WORK, and tries to justify themselves by quoting the last co-worker letter of Mr.Armstrong(as you have shown). The LCG believes this way as well. The RCG believes this also. The UCG as well. Every splinter groups believes that they were commissioned by God to outdo the Work God! Gerald Flurry was a pastor under Gods apostle, commissioned by God to back and support Herbert W Armstrong, and to feed the members of the Church under him, exactly what was taught to him! Rod Meredith , and all of the ministry was taught and commissioned the same thing! But they feel they have been commissioned by God to do more than what Christ has commissioned them to do! And in order to do what they want to do, they have to first remove the man whom God has chosen and has worked through from the minds of the people! And in turn get the minds of the people to focus on them! But in attempting to overthrow a man in Gods Government, they are fighting against God as enemies! They are not submitting themselves to the Government of God, but are fighting that government and against the rulings that Government has made! What kind of love would we have if we just shut up, and not warn our brethren of the dangers. We must assist Mr.Armstrong, and the works of righteousness, the work of God, not tear him down, and to create doubt about it all. In order to build on these men leading the COGS, you must first reject what God taught through Mr.Armstrong! And thus you must reject the True Christ working through Mr.Armstrong! We are only loyal members of the body of Christ trying to warn you and our other brethren who are laodicean in attitude out of love of where you are heading and what God has decreed if you continue that way! God is the judge. We are not. And never have we tried to be your judge nor anyones! If we have it was not done on purpose, and we do quickly repent of that if there has been some instance we have been. But who are we following Jesus Christ? Or some man who is working against God? Our part of Gods work must go on! But to try to do something Christ has not told us to do, is the same as those who Christ meets when He returns, when they claim all the works they did for Christ, and how they preached for Christ, and He turns to them and says : I knew you not. There will be gnashing of the teeth. If we are not doing our part, but are trying to do the job God has given to Mr.Armstrong, then we do not know Jesus Christ! But Satan wants us to forget our job, and is trying to get us to rebel against God and His Government! So you see these false groups popping up and being set up. Malachi 3:13 Your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee? 14 Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts? 15 And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. 6 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Those who bring contrary doctrines that was not taught to us through Gods apostle Herbert W Armstrong, DO NOT SERVE GOD. Romans 16:17-18. Do you fear God, enough to believe what was taught, and to reject anything contrary to that? What did Christ say Repent and believe the gospel! The gospel is the good news of the coming Government of God! And that Government has laws, Gods way of Life. And that Government is administered in Gods Church. If one rejects Herbert W Armstrong and what was taught through him by Jesus Christ, THEY ARE NOT OF THAT BODY! That is what we must fix in our minds time and time again! No matter what one may appear like or sound like, if they are contrary to God and His Truth, WE ARE TO AVOID THEM. It is so simple. And to warn brethren of such who teach contrary to God and His Truth, is not lacking the love of God. We are at a crossroads. Will we choose God and His way, or the Devils(our own way)? Gods way is through Herbert W Armstrong. Herbert W Armstrong prepared that way, if we are not found in that way(Jesus Christ) WE WILL NOT MARRY CHRIST! And that is a scary thought.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:54:52 +0000

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