If you are a true some of volta land, read Nd comment PETITION - TopicsExpress


If you are a true some of volta land, read Nd comment PETITION TO THE VOLTA REGIONAL HOUSE OF CHIEFS BY THE CONCERN YOUTH OF THE VOLTA REGION We, the concern youth of the Volta Region, are writing to bring to your attention our dismay towards the seemingly lack of commitment attention and zeal towards the fight against the deplorable state of the general physical development of the region. We recognize that, as a people, we are directly connected to the national government through you our distinguished chiefs and as we recognize your role as custodians of the land and our culture, it appears to us that much still needs to be done by your outfit regarding the state of development in the region. We believe and are confident that through you, our grievances and needs are met as a matter of necessity. It is worth stating that, the disaffection building up in the youth of the Volta region is not far from explosion level, and if prudent and deliberate steps are not immediately taken to avert possible eruption, we may not have a Volta for our future generation. Even as we present this petition to you, a section of the youth are on the streets of Ho showing their vehemence and disappointment regarding the state of development in the region. It is just a matter of time before a full scale demonstration hits the region. It is our hope that your response to this petition could be a positive catalyst to avert any such extreme show from neglect and disappointment of the youth in the region. Our concerns are briefly identified below: 1. ROADS: it is common knowledge that major roads connecting the Central and Northern parts of Volta to the rest of the country are in deplorable conditions, yet nobody seems to bother. While we acknowledge government efforts in addressing this situation, it appears such efforts are only made for votes, and once the elections are over, so are such government efforts. The Asikumah-Peki-Hohoe stretch is one major road connecting the northern Volta to the rest of the country. This stretch is so bad such that, commuters to and from Accra are forced to use the Asikumah-Anyirawase-Kpeve stretch with its attendant problems of increased cost in transport fare, general goods and services. That notwithstanding, settlements along the Asikumah-Peki-Kpeve stretch are cut-off from the rest of the country as businesses collapse because of lack of transport. 2. HO – SOGAKOPE - Not very long ago, a massive demonstration planned by the people of the region had to be called off after the President visit and promise to get the Ho – Sogakofe road fixed. It’s been over six month down and the said road has still not only been neglected but has been damaged the more putting life and property at even much risk. The simple generalization drawn from this single act by the president and his government is that the chiefs and people can be taken for granted at will. We cannot allow this to happen any longer. We implore you to lead action on these road project as a matter of urgency. The other roads which have been left unattended include the Hohoe – Jasikan and the Have – Kpando roads. We also recognize that there appears to have been a deliberate effort to uplift the Ho- Township roads. However, a cursory inspection of the projects shows that no quality work is being done on these town roads. We believe that your outfit can laise with the Municipality to ensure the construction of a more quality road-network that can pass the test of time. It is important to note that Ho is the only capital city in the country without a dual-carriage road ushering commuters into the township. How long can we continue being the last of everything? The time to act is now. And we want you the chiefs to gear up with us the youth of the region to make this happen. 3. THE FERRY - Since the closure of the Adomi bridge, the two ferries have been the alternative over the lake. A little research shows that both ferries are under “routine maintenance” making them unreliable and unresponsive. What is more, the Akuse alternative has also been blocked making commuters more vulnerable to several vices well known to you. We hope that your intervention would immediately help solve this problem. 4. The Volta Regional Library has been neglected for long. Investigation shows that, the project has hit a 70% completion level and has since been neglected. There seems to have been no plans at all regarding its completion. Several other development problems are suffered by the people of the Region and yet government and authorities that be, seem to be unconcerned, and in some cases spread falsehood about these problems. A classic example is the recently held Govt.-for-the-people forum that saw the Volta Regional Minister spreading several untruths that are factually inaccurate and only serve as tools for government propaganda. As Concern Citizens of Volta, we have come to you as our chiefs to help hold government responsible for the promises made to the people and chiefs of the Volta region. It is time for us all to sit up and unite for a common course – the development of the Volta region. We expect that in a fortnight, your outfit would be more than able to give us favourable response regarding all the issues raised in this petition. Our only impediment lies in the fact that rumours are making the rounds within the locality that some government officials seem to have been in bed with some of our Chiefs thereby threatening our confidence in them. We however wish to state that, we Still have confidence in our chiefs, and we hope that little enticements, whatever form they may take, would not be enough to prevent our chiefs from focusing on their core mandate of promoting peace and development in the region. To us as the youth, Volta Region is a phoenix rising from the Ashes and sooner than later we will begin to take our destiny into our own hands and the grounds will become hot, when they do, only those with ancient boots will be able to tread on them. THANK YOU. LONG LIVE VOLTA LONG LIVE THE VOLTA REGIONAL HOUSE OF CHIEFS Della Russel Dela Coffie Richard Dela Sky Edudzi Kudzo Tameklo Sorhefia Gbongbo Kwame Kekeli Bokpe Kwame Adjaho Franklin Cudjoe Ben Dotsei Malor Sena Atoklo
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:05:34 +0000

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