If you are experiencing issues with your health, love life, - TopicsExpress


If you are experiencing issues with your health, love life, divorce, wealth, lost a loved one, your job or house anything. Watch this video I truly believe --EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT A MUSLIM ---Internalising this perspective is fundamental to help with challenges and struggles we all experience. Remind yourself of it. Healing Hearts Quran Surah 17, Verse 82 Translation: We send down (stage by stage) in the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. The Quran is a Cure. A medicine for the heart. When you hurt in it is a soothing ointment waiting to be understood. Your wound cannot be left to fester without treatment. Read and let it soak through you. Inhale it into your being. Let it sooth your soul. Let it change your DNA. It is your Lords final letter to His trustee a messenger on Earth and of course to us. You are not just someones mother or daughter or wife, son, husband,or father. You are His. First you were His and last you will be His. You are His khalifa and He revealed to you His Truth. Read with the openness of a broken and desperate seeker. Read with the gratitude of a chosen leader. Read with the need of a lost traveler. Read with the dignity of one addressed directly by The King of kings. Challenges and Struggles | Is Life Fair | Nouman …: youtu.be/1zxuQvNVDzU
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:08:06 +0000

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