If you are feeling severely derailed, it’s likely that you are - TopicsExpress


If you are feeling severely derailed, it’s likely that you are in the midst of a major initiation, a “testing phase” if you will, to see just how prepared you are for 5th dimensional life. And by prepared I mean: non-reactive. Detachment is key right now and thru this solar eclipse in particular…if you allow everything that arrives its purpose, without resistance, you will be able to let go of your old fear-based responses and sail on thru to the other side with just a gentle breeze. If you hold up the process by attaching to it…be-lie-ving in the illusions presented…you won’t fail, but you will make the already-decided-destiny much more uncomfortable...........We are all being taken for quite a ride to our own freedom, twists & turns abound…we take a step forward, then suddenly a new, unexpected route appears. We think we are going in this direction, and then WHOOSH, the rug gets pulled out from under us and we need to rebalance and go in THAT direction. This is common erratic eclipse behavior and we have to be super flexible to survive it, but depending on the level of clearing work you’ve done, the so called less-ons really less-en in density until we become so detached from outcomes and anchored so deeply in trust, that we are unfazed by all the intensified uncertainty. Regardless of where you find yourself on that frequency scale…and you will know based on how fastened you are to neutrality and how much effort is still required on your behalf to command positive change in your life…the formula is always the same: allow what-is to be. If you do that successfully, you will find that the road powerfully rises up to meet your every next step and that you are wholly supported in the direction of your highest good. That said, and this much is certain, you will not be permitted to ignore, suppress or avoid what you need to resolve thru this gateway. There is just too much light on the planet to stand in the shadows any longer so don’t delay the inevitable…use this unprecedented opportunity to step up and out of any remaining darkness in your life. ~ Lauren Gorgo Rest of article here: thinkwithyourheart/18749/cosmic-human-hybrid/
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:15:09 +0000

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