If you are for Common Core, you are for a national school - TopicsExpress


If you are for Common Core, you are for a national school curriculum. The American people are fed up with President Obamas one-size-fits-all agenda from ObamaCare to education. A recent PDK/Gallup poll showed 60% of Americans oppose the federal Common Core standards. To put that in perspective, a September Fox News poll showed 55% of Americans disapproved of ObamaCare. Championing Common Core is not a winning message and its a sure way to lose in a Republican primary. The Constitution rejects a federal role for education, so I will fight tooth-and-nail to oppose Common Core. You see, a national curriculum means our childrens education can be subverted to promote revisionist history that rejects American exceptionalism and promotes liberal agendas. In fact, there is one Common Core literature textbook for tenth-graders that does not include any documents that mention Ronald Reagans name when discussing the fall of the Berlin Wall! Control over our childrens education should not be ripped away from parents and local school boards and handed over to big government politicians in Washington. Thats why I hope youll join RANDPAC in the fight to roll back a national curriculum by signing your Stop Common Core petition right away. Any candidate who supports President Obamas national curriculum cant inspire Republican voters to turn out and vote. Our party has seen in the previous campaigns that muddying the policy waters with Democrats is a sure-fire losing strategy. Primary voters will be looking for a winning message that can unite all parts of the Republican Party by defending our core values, which include rejecting Common Core and a national curriculum dictated by federal bureaucrats and empowering parents and local school boards to exercise control over their childrens education. In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul randpacusa/stopcc_pac.aspx?pid=1007 * = mine *Please sign this or our govt is going to make all of our children idiots and forever separated from any class of citizen .
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:07:20 +0000

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