If you are happy with your life and your world and dont care to - TopicsExpress


If you are happy with your life and your world and dont care to question anything, the please dont read this message, because it is not for you. However if you have ever asked questions such as, Who am I? Why am I here? Who is God? or What is the nature of Reality? then please read on... The following is an excerpt from the book Love Has Forgotten No One by Gary Renard. This is the third book in a series of three books. I highly recommend that you start your reading with his first book which is entitled Disappearance of the Universe. Excerpt From: Gary R. Renard. “Love Has Forgotten No One.” Hay House, 2012-04-30. iBooks. “ARTEN: Parts of the United States government were actively involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the four hijacked planes that resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans and people from other countries on September 11, 2001. GARY: You didn’t just say what I think you said. ARTEN: Yes, I’m sorry. But it’s not like there isn’t plenty of evidence of it. The Twin Towers didn’t collapse because of the planes striking them and the fire. No skyscraper has ever collapsed that way because of fire. The buildings were imploded, like when they bring down an old hotel in Las Vegas. The hijackers were duped by the CIA into thinking they were acting under the orders of their terrorist organization, when they were really being used by the CIA. They did exactly what the CIA wanted them to do, and they ended up playing their part, thinking they were being directed by their own leaders. With communications risky, it wasn’t that hard for them to be used in this manner. Plus, the hijackers weren’t the same people your government said they were. And the planes that went into the World Trade Center were not the hijacked planes. They were empty planes that were guided by remote control. Al-Qaeda did not organize the attacks and neither did Osama bin Laden, although he was happy to eventually take the credit for it. He was the perfect murderer for the government to have as the fall guy. Do some research. Listen to what thousands of individual physicists and engineers say about what happened at the World Trade Center, the 7 World Trade Center building, and the Pentagon. Don’t listen to organizations. The truth is that members of your own government, particularly the Vice President—who just happened to be in charge of air defense around Washington, D.C., that morning—wanted a “Pearl Harbor” to occur in order to allow the government to gain power over its own people and do whatever it pleased throughout the world. You’ve seen some of the results, including using the aftermath as an excuse for even more surveillance of American citizens and a big step toward fascism.” “President Bush wasn’t told about it, as the perpetrators had a role for him to play also. The people who committed these major crimes against humanity, who believe they’re intelligent, thought that Iraq would be an easy victory. They were wrong. And they’re also wrong to think the evidence won’t eventually convince people of the truth. That, however, is a long way off. Yes, there are people who already know the truth, but most of the American public are sheep who believe whatever they hear on the corporate-owned news. The corporations and national governments are in turn controlled by banking powers such as the Federal Reserve Board and Central Banks that are owned by the most powerful families on Earth. These “are the individuals who want global domination. The real Achilles’ heel in the 9/11 illusion is building 7. It was imploded later in the day. The building was struck by no planes, was a football field away from the World Trade Center, and just happened to house the headquarters of the CIA in New York City. The evidence of the CIA’s involvement had to be destroyed; however, the super thermites used to implode the buildings were not completely annihilated. Traces were found at the scene. And the heat and energy created by these super thermites was measured after the crime. There was far more energy present at the scene than could have been generated by the scenario presented by the government and rubber-stamped by the congressional investigation.” GARY: Why didn’t you tell me this before? ARTEN: Think, Gary. You weren’t ready. Our last visit to you in the first series was soon after 9/11. You had a lot to do the next year and a half just to get the first book out there. You were in shock like the rest of the country. And we wouldn’t have been doing you any favors at the time by having you put out a book that accused your own government of planning and participating in 9/11. It would have brought scorn on you and completely distracted everyone from the message of the book. GARY: How could the animals that did this pull it off without people knowing about it?” “ARTEN: Four CIA agents, acting as maintenance personnel, only needed a few weeks to plant the thermites, which were detonated by radio signal. Super thermites, the kind that were used, are not overly bulky. They are smaller, more advanced, and much more powerful than other thermites. Just sit with this, and eventually try to forgive it. It’s all still the same projection it always was, Gary. Try to look through it and see the reality of spirit. GARY: All right, but this is a tough one. Forget about a few years ago—I don’t even know if I’m ready for it now. PURSAH: Remember, don’t make it real. Just notice it and then forgive it. It’s like you’re watching a virtual-reality video game, and there’s no one else in the room. It’s just you. There isn’t really anyone else with you, except the Holy Spirit, and there’s not really anyone on the screen. And what you’re seeing is not true. And with that we should temporarily disappear. We love you, Gary. Keep your chin up and keep on forgiving. You honor us. Choose the miracle of forgiveness. For as J teaches you: Reality belongs only to spirit, and the miracle acknowledges only truth.”
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:58:16 +0000

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