If you are into sports games then you have your favorite series - TopicsExpress


If you are into sports games then you have your favorite series you probably buy every year. Whether its Madden, FIFA, NBA 2K or whatever we usually all have our favorite one or few and enjoy it each year. Every now and again though one or two years of one of these games really really stand out. What are some of your YEAR specific sports titles, the system you most played it on, and why it stands out over other solid years. Some that you just never forget even though you play it every year it comes out. These are some of the best of the best IMO. MVP Baseball 2005 XBOX This was the perfect baseball game. The biggest reason was the batter vs pitcher matchup. Each one was intense and a mindgame over what was gonna be thrown and where. The game had near perfect gameplay and controls. It kept immense amounts of stats when playing head to head seasons with friends. For its time it has excellent top notch graphics and if EA didnt lose their license to make MLB games by getting greedy with wanting an exclusive NFL deal Im sure Id still be buying this every year and loving it. This was probably the best head to head sports game ever. NBA 2k Dreamcast WOW. WOW. WOW. The game first catches your eyes with breathtaking visuals and fluid animations but the gameplay is just as good. For many years NBA live was king but the last few years of the 90s it really sucked. then along came this right around if not at the launch of the next gen console at the time. It felt like you were controlling a game on TV. For its time probably the best graphics ever in a sportsgame. MLB The Show 2009 PS3 really you could pick any year for this but finally a game that comes very close if not as good to MVP Baseball 2005. Most of the same reasons the biggest being the batter pitcher matchup which is very similar to MVP. Totally amazing fluid graphics always help. One of the most realistic sports simulations ever. I just bought a 400 dollar XBOX ONE but come spring I may buy a PS4 just for this PS exclusive. MLB The Show was the only game keeping my PS3 from just collecting dust all the time. EA dug their own grave here and created this monster. They can even make an MVP or other game to compete NHLPA 93 Genesis. Im sure this was many peoples favorite sports game growing up. This hockey title for Sega by Ea which was already a huge leap from past generations sports games got a huge upgrade in speed for its sophmore season. Couple that with some of the most intense gameplay and superstars with noticeably different attributes and you had a huge hit. Was a blast to check someone like gretzky as hard a spossible in this game FIFA Soccer 95 Genesis A game that truly is great every year. Not too many dissapointments ever with FIFA but 95 for Sega really stood out for me. It was one of the first if not the first you could play 4 platers with and we did, all the time. Brought this into shop at the Voke and we played everyday after our assignments were done. probably not the only FIFA Ill put on this list but definitely the one that stands out the most. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Dreamcast Its a shame if people dont include this. What a stellar sequel. It was just endless fun and a whole new type of game really. There have been other skate games of course and actually pretty good ones like Skate or Die but nothing touches this. This game was widly popular, had an easy learning curver but plenty of room to get better n better. NFL 2K1 Dreamcast A game that IMO only had one or two good years but it was really good at the beggining. Madden was a great game some years but sometimes it just seems boring. The saME OL SAME OL. Well this was totally refreshing as first off its visuals destroyed Maddens. Much like 2K basketball destroyed EAs Live in visuals. visuals arent everything tho but it is what grabbed your eye here. this game had very good gameplay especially in the passing game. It reminded me of another football game of the past, another sophmore in its own series that was stellar also. Joe Montana 2 Sportstalk Football Genesis. Many of the same things from the above game apply here including a fresh change n better graphics than Madden but not only were the grafx amazing at the time, this was the first football game with a commentator. Breaks a tackle. Hes got daylight! HE DIDNt MAKE IT!. .... Never forget those phrases Madden 2005 XBOX While many people may think Im hard on Madden Im not hating on it. Its just like it raised the bar very high but then kinda just rode the wave many years. This yr, however felt different. Perfect run pass balance. It has tight controls, excellent stat tracking AND online play for 2 players and lots of customizations. Probably wagered more money on this one game than any other ever combined. this is a yr EA seemed to get Madden just right. As a side note I consider wrestling game more of a fighting game than anything so thats why none are included here. If you were wondering thought The THQ N64 games would be all over this list. Lakers Vs Celtics PC/Genesis One of the first sports games were you truly could tell who each player was just by looking at them. Each team had two players who had a special move from somewhere on the court which at the time was unheard of. Each year of this game was good as more speed plus more teams were added but this one really took your breathe away the first time you played it. Tiger Woods Golf 2004 XBOX The perfect golf game. Great controls. Beautiful courses. Awesome multiplayer action on and offline. Takes a sport that can be soooooo boring at times and just makes it into an exciting video game. One of the best party games out there. Great for chillin w the boys, havin a few beers and takin turns teeing off. Another game that really stood out to me on XBOX and XBOX LIVE. . After 5 years about not playing games at all Im just starting to get back into them. Im currently playing the new NBA 2k and FIFA games for XBOX ONE and they are excellent so far. Possibly deserving of this left as well but its only been a cpl weeks so that would be premature. Now as a complete series its totally different. If you consider a games entire run there are some great series that are consistently good each year. If I had to pick my favorite franchises in some sort of order they would be as follows ans by being at the bottom of this is no way an insult. I love sports games. To make this list I love it. This is basically the I know when I drop 60 bucks on this game Im gonna love it or would have loved it list. FIFA Triple play/MVP Baseball same game.they just changed titles in 94 NBA 2K MLB THE SHOW MADDEN FOOTBALL TIGER WOODS
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:07:47 +0000

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