If you are new to LYL - I want to welcome you here from the very - TopicsExpress


If you are new to LYL - I want to welcome you here from the very depth of my heart. If this is your first time here- you may want to scroll back a few days and read to catch up. Sunday is a great day to spend with the topic we are going to talk about today. You should now be working on 2 lists- The 1st one - Identify 20 things in your life RIGHT NOW that you are completely grateful for...20 doesnt seem like much does it?...but if you are like most...after you get past the easy ones- (God, family, home, friends, job, car, cat, dog,...) Well, you still have a long way to go...Spur this list along- Remember that time when _____ Fill in the blank- The light turned Green just in time...A friend who was sick got better...The ability to remember special moments...Smell the roses...(you get the idea) DIG DEEPER!... Now, about that other list - The Who should I Forgive? EVERYONE goes here-(Living or Not) Parents, Grandparents, Children, Yourself, Bosses, Ex-bosses, Ex lovers- Ex lovers of lovers...Ex ...Ex...Ex... :) Now, I can guarantee I have one or two folks out there right now reading this- who known me for years- and are saying - Ha!! She hasnt forgiven ME! I havent heard a word from her - Well, this list isnt about Asking the folks on the list for forgiveness this is about finding that place in your heart where you can. So, I dont need to talk to them! and neither do you! ...We are working on your Emotional Well-Being ...so, stay tuned...Catch up - Until then,
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:00:00 +0000

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