If you are not happy with how things are in your district, your - TopicsExpress


If you are not happy with how things are in your district, your discussion meetings, your relationships with others. Change them. You have a wonderful transformative Buddhist philosophy right at your finger tips. No excuses. There is no point complaining, and passing the buck, when you have the power to transform anything. In the same vain remember that kosen rufu begins where you are, so pour all your efforts into creating value and peace within your environment. Kosen rufu is a constant effort, a path and not a destination. There is no time to be apathetic. We dont reach kosen rufu and then stop. Peace is an unfolding of our potential, for when peace becomes a possibility, then the future is filled with even more wonderful and amazing potentials. This week, make 3 people smile every day. Encourage dont discourage this is my mantra at the moment. You were born to be great! Go be great! Nam myoho renge kyo Robbie What is kosen rufu? bit.ly/kosenrufu
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 09:10:10 +0000

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