If you are one of my Tzolkin explorers or are interested in what I - TopicsExpress


If you are one of my Tzolkin explorers or are interested in what I have to say most of the time, please take the next 247 seconds and read this for yourself...this is the third time I tried posting something today like this, and magically they kept getting deleted ((higher self intervention)) -- because this is the one youre supposed to see. I know the mayan long count calendar with the accompanying tzolkin can be complex for my newly added friends who deserve to know that theyre stuck in the trap of viewing time as linear VS cyclical. -This is the way that 100% of us view time until we remembered there are more precise ways to keep time that are in accordance with natural cosmic and Earth cycles (which in turn - are your cycles - and they are fluidly elegant --the pattern is within you as well.). Theres a way to time keep that if at the very least , and nothing else, its more accurate, aesthetically and phonetically more beautiful and it is completely symmetrical (the number 13 is a cyclically sound, symmetric number).. if you see 13 as an uneven, odd, unlucky number, please tell me. I will try my hardest to help you rethink your addiction to the concept of duality - luck is three dimensional and only exists on Earth for controlling purposes. Heres why its programmed that 13 is unlucky; 13 signifies the end of everything you see around you, and coinciding-- guess what the 13th Solar Seal on the TZolkin is? Skywalker. Exploring New Horizons. Decimation of the current system, money, slavery, work, war, jewelry, thinking gold has value or diamonds are anything but pressed carbon (diamonds are worthless energetically due to the overpricing for any value you could obtain.) I chose the Gregorian birthday of Friday, June the 13th where I was born at 7:32 (first full minute = 7:33...7+3+3=13) ---symbolic predesign by my soul and God.. Theres nothing more I want than for everyone to wake up tomorrow, refuse to participate in paying bills, free thought and feed your innate desires (SIN) and tell the government you no longer participate in their bullshit. Id go as far as telll everyone to take out a 10,000$ Credit Card tomorrow to aid in the economic collapse and refuse to pay it back. If everyone has bad credit, we all have good credit. Call me a scumbag, please. To be counterproductive toward a counterproductive and imbalanced society built on slavery means to be playing on the same field as your controllers. Today starts the Wavespell of the Yellow Seed. We are at KIN 144. (1+4+4=9). This is considered the second most intense string of 13 days since the Wavespell of the Red Serpent which started on. Oct30. Why will it be intense? There are ten galactic activation portal days in a row starting on KIN 146. (Galactic Activation Portal Days = high frequency/mood amplifying energy days where your DNA upgrade can be accelerated on these days.). Lets see how many of my Tzolkin followers are aware that you initiated change during the RED(INITIATE CHANGE) Wavespell. Now we are here to ripen the initiation (YELLOW=RIPEN) I am born on KIN 146. My true birthday is Friday June 13 1986 was meant to be a kick in the face to my controllers. (add the digits up - the sum is 56. Add 5+6=11.I am a White Electric Worldbridger, KIN 146. 1+4+6 = 11. Must just be an accident that both my long count and Tzolkin both are reduced to 11. Must be an accident my phony linear birthday is 6/13 (invert 136 - 146 --- humor baby---IM SURE thats humorous design.) My soul archetype is that of one who bonds, I service, I activate. I am guided by the power of Heart. My analogous energy is that of the Skywalker (13) -- I am here to do this with you all. I, like you all were born now for a reason. The tzolkin was an awakening point for me. Funny when I add my KIN up 1+4+6=11 my action, power, essence archetype (bond/service/activate/opportunity/equalize/guided by Heart) equals the vibratory equivalent of 11. (11:11 ACTIVATION) All my life I was told I get obsessed with things. I realized that the only things I get obsessed with are those that I feel strongly toward - (13 Moon Calendar, n,ndimethyltryptamine, Love based Anarchy - destroying everything you feel to be comfortable that is unnatural - TV/Dogmatic Religion). I released myself of people telling me I am obsessive since I learnt my archetype/KIN# and started studying it in of course, 20_11_. I come from a highly educated family, yet I feel bad that their education is only as good as their information -- which I hate to be the one to be the bearer of good news - is either wrong, or theres much room for improvement. I am guided by HEART and seal the store of Death according to the Tzolkin. I am asked to die a symbolic death (in a physical AND spiritual way) - I will either dissolve the prison planet world or die trying). Lets name some other Worldbridgers (you have two seals that matter---your birth kin, and your death kin - both important..only your interdimensional self and God knows your second KIN and it is a glorious mystery.) Martin Luther King JRs higher self said this for him the morning he was killed (the affirmation for White Rhythmic WorldBridger) I Organize in order to Equalize I Balance Opportunity I seal the store of death With the Rhythmic tone of Equality I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED! Yeah, those were MLK JRs higher selfs last words. He was assassinated for taking advantage of the analogous 13 energy of change. Fitting thing for your interdimensional self to say without your knowledge the day youre about the be murdered for Organizing in Order to Equalize, Balancing Oppurtunity under the Rhythmic tone of Equality. You sealed that death nicely. Symbolic. MLK was an Overtone Human, died a Rhythmic WorldBridger. Co-incident. Next Worldbridger by Birth: JFK. KIN 166. 1+6+6=13 (13 = New Beginnings. The moment before JFK was able to take a breath - his fourth dimensional self said: I Perfect in order to Equalize I Produce Opportunity I seal the store of death With the Planetary tone of Manifestation I am guided by the power of Timelessness Both WorldBridgers, only JFKs was revealed at Birth. Both murdered for trying to bring about the Great 13 for the upcoming 13th Baktun which is a co-incident that it happens 13.7 Billiion years after our separation from a singular node (God/Pre-Big Bang) . Both agreed to it before they were born. Live to serve at the cost of death and do it Nobly. If your cognitive dissonance tells you Im whacked, please immediately remove me from your friend list and block me --- you still have too many lives to live before this makes sense and even though Id want nothing more than to have you come to the realization that EVERYTHING you know that you were taught is A) Incorrrect on purpose, B) Half truth/missing something, Im not here to lower your vibration if youre not ready. The missing parts come from inside. Use that Godspark. This is what I use the tzolkin for. Its not a divination tool or witchcraft, it is a measuring stick for number synchronicity. I hope I shed a little light on why I practice time synchronicity to my newer friends who dont know me as well as the rest. (I keep this stuff hidden because the DSM IV would classify number synchronicity as a symptom of schizophrenia/detachment from reality. The DSM is a duality based diagnostic standard - aka, it has no point and is a mere distraction. I type this with testes the size of limes - my parents are both highly educated in psychology/medicine/psychiatry and follow dogmatic religion. Part of my challenge in life is that I know anything on this planet is a lie - it sucks that my own family dismisses what I have to say sometimes. If thine eye is single, your whole body will be filled with light. Its a shame psychiatry when applied via medicine is designed to nullify the ajna chakra/natural rhythms. We live in a society where those under the 13th crest (AWAKENED SOULS) are ostracized and diagnosed as crazy to discredit them. Think about it. If I told a psychiatrist that every number in my life including down to street addresses, mayan tzolkin, gregorian birthday, telephone number has the ability to be reduced to 13, I am crazy and need dopaminergic antagonists/random manmade neuroleptics that would delay my awakening/nullify it and thus living an incomplete life - we are here to ascend. Schizophrenics see and talk to Angels and God because their ajna and crown chakras are over-compensating or functioning as they should (if the former--probably due to diet and other chakric systems not pulling their weight - another diabolical design of the shitty food and water we like neuroleptics.) Ascended Master Jesus the SUN of God talked to God and was of the 13th Crest and House of God as well. Haldol thorazine and cogentin for Jesus if he ever came back as man again. Bet on it. Truth is, the world is crazy for believing anything another man says. Do me a favor and look outside of your eyeballs. You are literally, from your point of view - in the center of the universe. Youre the only one whos right and you set the rules. Doubt everything and question everything. Especially what I say, but bet Ill be saying it until the day I am killed for my ideals by my controllers or I leave this world a drastically different place. Doesnt matter to me, I belong to the most High and that is where I am returning when I die.This planets controlling regime systems age level is like a board game..Suitable for Ages 7-13. shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:44:41 +0000

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