If you are pro Palestinian you might as well be pro Big Foot or - TopicsExpress


If you are pro Palestinian you might as well be pro Big Foot or Pro Lochness Monster since they all have in common that no one has found any evidence that support any of their existence? Although there are museums for both Big Foot and the Lochness Monster .. so far no Museums of Palestinians? Strange that a people who predate Jews- 4000 years- in their Judean lands are not mentioned in the Muslims Quran- Jews or Christians bible? Yet the Quran mentions Jews over 60 times- Mohamed speaks of Jews- Jesus - Moses! Jews have a history in Judea & Samaria dating back from time immemorial. For instance, Shechem, otherwise known as Nablus, has Jewish history dating back to Abraham. Shechem was the first place that Abraham set foot in when he arrived in Israel. Shechem is also the city where Jacob and his family settled after returning from Paddam Aram. Bethlehem is the city where the Jewish matriarch Rachel is buried, where the famous convert to Judaism Ruth married Boaz, and was the birthplace of King David. It is mentioned 44 times in the Tanakh. Hebron, which until the 1929 massacre briefly interrupted the Jewish presence in the city, had an ancient Jewish community. It is one of the four holiest cities in the Jewish religion. It is the place where the Cave of the Patriarchs is located, which contain the remains of Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, and Leah. Jews also believe that Adam and Eve are buried there. Hebron is also the city where King David was anointed king and ruled for seven years prior to the conquest of Jerusalem. These are but a few of the many examples of Jewish history in Judea & Samaria. Furthermore, almost all of the Arab localities in Judea & Samaria have retained biblical Jewish names, thus betraying the true Jewish roots in the area. Given all of these facts, to deny the Jewish connection to Judea & Samaria is to deny the historic reality. The Arch of Titus in Rome - The Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel - The Synagogue of Dura-Europos in Damascus Syria - The Cyrus Cylinder in the British Museum - The Amarna Letters -The Black Obelisk - The Moabite Stele- The Elephantine Papyri - are all evidence of Jewish history and rights to their Judean lands found in the Museums of even the Jews worst enemies.... imagine that... Yet nothing exists any where on this planet that holds any evidence of a “Palestinian” people of antiquity or modern times that are related to the Judean lands/ Jerusalem or even in Arabia/ Islam itself.. not in the Quran not in the Christians Bible nothing! But all have evidence of Jews found even with the Christians Bible, the Muslims Quran, the Tanakh - all speak of Jews and Jewish history! Again nothing about Palestinians! lochness/loch-ness-monster-exhibition.htm
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:59:22 +0000

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