If you are racist then repent and get right with Jesus cause - TopicsExpress


If you are racist then repent and get right with Jesus cause racism will send you to hell! Hatred of people is wrong. By this shall people know you are my disciple said Jesus... by your love one for another... no stipulations.. no race clause saying you are exempt from loving a certain race.. by your love for others shall people know you are His disciples.. with that said I just want to say im a proud to be white not because white is somehow more superior than another skintone/race but because this is how Jesus our Almighty God created me. In the canvas of Heaven when my Creator took His brush this is the color He chose for me and my ethnic background was by His choosing.. Im proud to be a white straight Christian conversative male. I take no shame in my heritage cause when I was born again I became adopted into a new family with a new Father. This family is filled with people from all races. I have black brothers and sisters in the Lord, I have asian brothers and sisters in the Lords, I have mexican brothers and sisters in the Lord, etc... etc.. . We as the Bride of Christ are One family where race is not even acknowedeged.. all that matters is have you been grafted into the family and been born again walking after the statutes and commandments of Jesus Christ our Lord and God!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 03:59:30 +0000

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