If you are really interested about the Celtic people and the - TopicsExpress


If you are really interested about the Celtic people and the leaders of it (the Druids), and you also have an interest in terms of the most ancient Celtic tribes (continental population), then you should know a few things about the Hungarians. In general, the Celts and Druids are associated with the ancestors of the people who dwelled on the British and Irish Islands, but this is just one part of the story. The truth is that the most ancient Celts were found in Central Europe (including Hungary) and we know this from the genetic researches concerned with the population of Europe. Hungary is also special because its like a time capsule (genetically). I mean that the Celtic people have gone and disappeared from the vast of the European era and the only place we can found the descendants of Celts is Ireland, the British Islands, the northern part of French, mostly including Bretagne, some parts of Northern Spain and like I said; Hungary. But the language of the Celts has mostly gone too, however theres still three languages, which are more or less remained the same: the original Irish, the Bask and the Hungarian. Although the Hungarian had been influenced by the Finno-Ugric languages but it is still like what the ancient Celts had spoken. So the Ancient Hungarians (although thats not how theyre called themselves at the time) were one of the earliest Celts in Europe. Older than the Irish or British. In the recent years archeologists and linguists who deal with ancient languages have found more evidences that show what I wrote above. Last but not least, the Hungarian and Irish as well as other British people show a great resemblance regarding the facial features. For example, if you go to French, then youll see people with typical French characteristic or if you go to Germany or Italy youll see German or Italian features but when you want to compare the facial features of Irish and Hungarian, then you can hardly find differences. As I said, its because of the Celtic genes that make these people similar to one another.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:03:29 +0000

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