If you are someone who has always been wanting to TRAVEL and see - TopicsExpress


If you are someone who has always been wanting to TRAVEL and see the world in your lifetime; but is always constrained by MONEY, please kindly log on @ goo.gl/wG62jL for more informations. Our International Travel Company is expanding rapidly especially in Asia and we are looking for people who love to TRAVEL, people who are DECISIVE, and also people who want to work for something that they truly enjoy rather than just working and slaving for money; because we believe that if you choose a career you love, you will never have to work a single day in your life. Requirements: —Someone who has insufficient funds to start a franchise business —Global Citizen —Must be 18 years old and above —Person lives in their own world may not apply, we are looking for candidate who is open minded, mature and decisive —Only those interested and hardworking need apply —No private messages 如果您是个一直想要去旅行和在您有生之年看遍世界却又总是受到金钱约束的人,欲知详情@ goo.gl/wG62jL 在亚洲,我们属迅速发展的国际旅游公司并正在网罗喜欢旅行的、果断的和真正享受工作却又不是仅仅为金钱卖命的人。 因为我们坚信在您的生命中,如果您选择了一个您热爱的事业,您将无需再为金钱发愁而每天工作。 要求: —想要开始特许经营业务却又资金不足的人 —地球公民 —满18岁及以上 —谢绝活在自己思想世界的人。思想豁达,成熟稳重和有果断能力的人品是我们的人选 —谢绝无诚意与不劳而获的人士 —谢绝PM
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:15:14 +0000

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