If you are tired of the GOP establishment and want real change for - TopicsExpress


If you are tired of the GOP establishment and want real change for the good, you need to vote Gregg Brannon! True patriots around the country have a real opportunity this year to elect another Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate. And thats by supporting North Carolina Republican candidate Greg Brannon. Greg Brannon is pro-gun, pro-life, and hes a devoted husband and father. As an OB-GYN, hes delivered over 9,000 babies, and he is a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN!! The good news is, despite facing the establishments millions, this race is a statistical dead heat -- and Greg Brannon has a real shot at winning. Tillis is backed by the Union, the Union had a great deal to do with us getting Obamacare! The NRA sent me a mailing that said Tillis agreed with stricter gun laws and that goes along with what Obama wants! I do not want any more RINOS, they are no better than the Liberals! Brannon has never heal an office before and that makes him the most qualified, he isnt in debt to anyone and isnt in anyones pocket! NC VOTE BRANNON!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 11:10:40 +0000

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