If you are undecided or considering voting no but the the - TopicsExpress


If you are undecided or considering voting no but the the privatisation of the NHS in Scotland would play a mayor decision factor in your choice between YES or no vote!Please read this This is an extract of a longer article in the Sunday Herald Today, what it shows is that the claims that a No vote is a threat to NHS Scotland are real and substantial. The assertion from the No camp that this is just scaremongering is completely wrong and the No camp knows that that it is a real threat to NHS Scotland from what is happening in the rest of the UK. “Allyson Pollock, professor of public health research and policy at Queen Mary University of London, warned reforms in the NHS south of the Border could result in serious consequences for Scotland by translating into reduced funding through the Barnett formula. Her warning seriously undermines claims by Better Together spokesmen, including its leader Alistair Darling at last weeks final TV debate with First Minister Alex Salmond, that devolution protects the Scottish NHS from the creeping privatisation south of the Border. She said a Yes vote would free Scotland from the stranglehold of the Westminster Treasury by allowing politicians to control public finances and NHS policy. Her comments support Salmonds assertion that any cutbacks in England could hurt the health service in Scotland. In last weeks debate he warned that, while the Scottish Government has operational control of the health service, it was a serious problem to be without financial control of it. Darling accused the First Minister of scaremongering. Pollock, who is a leading authority on the implications of privatisation for public services, said: In the absence of any reversal of neoliberal policies in England, the clearest way to defend and promote the principle of a public NHS is to vote for Scotland to have full powers and responsibilities of an independent country. Government critics have raised concerns the NHS in England is on a path towards an American-style healthcare system. Central to this has been the Health and Social Care Act of 2012, dubbed one of the most radical plans in the history of the health service, which included encouraging greater involvement by the private sector. Pollock told the Sunday Herald: Although people find this extraordinary and cant believe it, the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 has abolished the NHS in England as a universal service. The NHS is reduced to a funding stream and a logo; increasingly all the services are going to be contracted in the marketplace. It abolished the duty on the Secretary of State for Health to secure and provide comprehensive healthcare; that is a duty that still holds in Scotland, but doesnt hold in England. If the basis for a national health service has changed so markedly in England - if there is no duty to secure and provide universal healthcare - then what will happen is (public) funding can be withdrawn, and private funding will take its place. If you are closing services and reducing them, people only have two choices - to go without care or pay privately. Pollock criticised politicians in Scotland for not taking more of a stance in opposing the act when it was going through Westminster. She added: Scotland is very vulnerable because of what is happening in England - and any reductions in funding for England will translate through the Barnett formula to Scotland. The Scottish Government has stated that in the event of independence, NHS services will not change the way health services are delivered. Funding for health care in 2014-15 is £12 billion. (Back to me) Vote no = A one way ticket to an American style health service ! Here are some costs for treatments currently in the USA : Albuterol Inhaler Cost - £18.00 to £36 health.costhelper/albuterol-inhaler.html Broken Finger - £602.40 to 3012.42 health.costhelper/broken-finger.html Heart Attack treatment - £90.36 to 1807.27 (this is only the cost of an emergency room visit typically costs of actually treating heart attack are much higher) health.costhelper/heart-attack-treatment-cost.html Cancer Treatment - £9036.42 to £30121 health.costhelper/breast-cancer.html Kaiser’s 2009 survey in the USA found that employer health insurance premiums were $13,375 for a family and $4824 for a single person & thats for employer who will get the discount benefits of multiple policy for his employees but could you afford an other bill a year amounting to the values above or would you just take your chances with out medical insurance ??? This is not Scaremongering this is reality you vote no and the NHS will get privatised & it will be American companies coming in to purchase our NHS . Its simple reason why I am Voting YES is to make sure none of the above happens & my childrens children have a Scottish NHS in public hands run by people chosen by the people of Scotland in a democratic manner ! VOTE YES ON 18TH OF SEPTEMBER 2014 SAVE OUR NHS !
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:16:10 +0000

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