If you are voting for Modi - do so btw please spare 2 min to read - TopicsExpress


If you are voting for Modi - do so btw please spare 2 min to read this wonderful bit : BY Mahesh Murthy: Yaar, we all know Mukesh and Gautam (Adani) will make lots more money when Modi comes to power. But well also make some money na. So why are you opposing him, man? I was pinged this yesterday by a very-well-known, very-well-to-do entrepreneur pal of mine. Why indeed? Why not make hay when the suns gonna shine? Im a true-blue capitalist, and by all accounts I should be supporting Modi - instead of the socialist-sop-wielding Congress or the not-sure-if-theyre-Communist-or-not AAP. Right? But heres what I figured. The Congress is like the Chinese or North Korean government - socialist in name only and corrupt billionaires to the core themselves. While the BJP is like the earlier Mexican government - basically run to the whims and fancies of billionaire cement-to-telecom owner Carlos Slim. It was proud for some Mexicans to see Carlos Slim become the richest man in the world - but the price of that was higher costs for every citizen in the country for basic necessities and a near-collapse of the country. And a second, more dangerous price paid was the decay of every government institution into a cesspool of corruption. Sure Modi will be more business-friendly - if the rampaging stock market is to be believed. Antilla will grow even taller. As Modi lovers say Modi will bring progress. All Ill add is ...to Ambani and Adani, not to you and me. Modi will bring with him an era of big business deciding on government policy - and examples are already abound, with the Modi government recommending a price of $14 per million BTUs of gas to be paid out of our pockets to Reliance instead of their earlier committed $2.34 per mBTU - and in the other billionaire Adani getting land and government infrastructure at throw away prices in BJP-led Rajasthan. BJPs difference with the Congress will basically be that instead of the government stealing from us and keeping it all only for themselves, this time theyll steal from us, and give it to the Ambanis and Adanis, apart from keeping a lot for themselves - after all, the BJP still has stalwart-thieves like Yeddyurappa, Sriramulu and Solanki at their core. What does this do to our future? Every institution in the country gets even more rotten. In a time where I want my kids to grow up in a country where they have an equality of opportunity, I wonder if theyll be arrested for crashing a car while the Akash Ambanis get off scot-free by gifting Audis to all accident victims and making some poor driver take the fall in court instead. Id like our government institutions to mean something. My dad served in the Armed Forces for 30 years - and today its a place where you cant get to be chief unless you approve the purchase of expensive weaponry that the ruling politicians get a kickback on. Id like the government to be a place where good people join and work. Not people who want a sure-fire way to make money. Once upon a time, it was a matter of pride to be in the IAS. Today, mention youre in government service and the other person eyes you as if to think Kitna khaata hoga Today, how many of you really want your kids to work in government or policy? Im sure even the Modi-fans among you will say Nahin yaar - gandi jagah hai. Well, folks, your support to Modi and his bunch of corrupt capitalist backers will make the jagah stay ganda for longer. Theres no point having a Telecom regulator, when Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata use Niira Radia to fix who the next telecom minister is going to be. Theres no point in having a contract with the government, when a private company like Reliance can get ministers like Jaipal Reddy, Mani Shankar Aiyar and others changed to help them break the contracts and rip us off more. This short-term thinking - lets get a corrupt government that is big-business friendly for a change - is what will keep India a rotting carcass for even longer. Its not a temporary measure - we should get a honest government after 5 years because AAP is not ready as some say. These 5 years are what we are poised to grow in, after the Congress and NCP raped us for the last 10 years. And if the BJP coalition win 272 seats, these 5 years will not be very different from the Congress, with more big sops to the Ambanis and Adanis - not to mention all the coalition partners who will have to be given plum ministries to plunder as a price for their support. We will have even more A Rajas getting even more kickbacks. Believe me, all that stock market boom youre seeing now will dissipate in six months when people, the market and foreign institutions see that its not a new government - but the same government with different faces. As a Congress (I) friend of mine says - hum ne bahut khaa liya. Ab paanch saal hajam karenge, inko ab khaane do. Phir vaapis aa jaayenge. This is not the change we must be voting for. Sure, Im told, all this is fine, Arvind Kejriwal is a good guy but he really cant form a government, can he? Many people in Delhi thought so- so he landed up with only 28 seats. But once people saw he could come to power, and make a difference, many more were ready to vote for him and his party. I understood they would have won 50 out of 70 seats if people knew others were also voting for them. Media didnt help them - they almost never covered the AAP, till after the win. Medias doing the same now. Thats all it takes - your vote. Dont worry about who you think others are voting for. Dont worry about what you read in the papers or watch on TV. Forget the opinion polls, exit polls, whatever. Vote your heart and vote your conscience. Vote for the folks who can give you the country you want to live in, and your kids to grow up in. Your vote, every vote, every seat will make a difference. Sure, not every candidate these AAP guys put up is perfect. But at least they throw out candidates if a rotten one turns up - unlike other parties who promote the crooks. Theres a process here to ensure integrity - while theres nothing as such in the Congress and BJP. And, come on guys, theyre a year old and they have no money. Theyre not built out of billions like the Congress and the BJP. Be a little patient. Its a scrappy startup taking on the evil empires. Luke Skywalker against Darth Vader. Give it a chance. Then Im told you want a government with experience? Really? What has decades of experience of BJP and Congress brought us? Just to this sorry state of affairs. We dont need Ph Ds and grey beards to govern - a base of honesty, integrity and transparency is a far better place to start than 30 or 50 years of thievery and injustice. Its always better to vote for a honest novice than for an experienced thief. But, you say, arent these AAP guys are communist / socialist / Trotskyist or whatever? Actually, I dont think so. Theyre a party where the ideology is still forming and where the fundamental base is honesty and integrity. But they at least have a manifesto out. The BJP doesnt yet, by the way. And as far as being more democratic versus being more Republican, like Modi, I dont mind paying more taxes - if those taxes actually go to build better roads, schools and hospitals that my children and their children can use - and not into Ambanis, Adanis, Pawars, Sonias or Prafuls pockets, or pockets of the top 0.1%. From what Ive seen, the AAP folks reflect the will of their members and voters. I personally think their resistance to FDI in retail is stupid - and Ive told them so, whenever Ive met one of their functionaries. And their response is refreshing Sir, come and talk with us, explain why you think so, and were happy to change our minds if we believe youre right. Now I havent heard any other party say anything like this. Their answers are usually Kitne paise doge? So can these guys get 272 seats to form a government? Perhaps not. But I dont think anyone else will. And if we are going to be faced with a hung and horse-trading parliament, its good to have as many new, honest folks in there as possible instead of experienced horse-traders. Give honesty and integrity a vote for a change instead. Every vote counts, every seat counts. And if its a hung parliament, its fine. Its ok. Well have mid-term polls and more of the honest will get voted in. And if that doesnt do it fully, well have another mid-term poll. I have no problem with more mid-term polls. Its painful, but not that huge a price to pay, compared to the benefit of flushing out the rogues. Well need one or more re-boots of parliament to get these corrupt Congress BJP, Ambani and Adani viruses out of our system - and the sooner the reboot the better. And if a hung parliament will cause the reboot, so be it. Lets vote for a hung parliament. Lets deny the 272 and the rule of Ambani. Oh, as some of you have wondered, why isnt more information coming out about Modi and Congress and Reliance in media? Its simple - a Congress person owns HT and Mint. While Ambani owns CNN IBN, CNBC Awaaz, Lokmat, Eenadu, all ETV channels, First Post, First Biz, Forbes India, NDTV, all NDTV channels and 9X. Thats why. These are the only places youll see a Modi wave, and not on the ground. Neither of these folks own Facebook or Twitter or Google Plus yet. (Where, by the way, the AAP leads the others by far in engagement, despite the bigger bucks the old guard is throwing around. And despite the BJP guys coming and spitting venom in my comments as theyve done every time. Youre welcome again, folks ) So if you believe this post might be a point of view to get across to others, then you could help. By sharing it with your friends. Thank you
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 11:07:01 +0000

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