If you are wanting to be a good great successful fighter the key - TopicsExpress


If you are wanting to be a good great successful fighter the key words are sacrifice you are going to half to sacrifice things all bad habits time with people not in your traing grohp you must choose friends and relationships wisely explain from begging that training for a fight is full tine job its not the type of work you can half ass if people in your life giving you stress drama you failed at communicating either fix that or get rid of them during this time show up for traing be prepared its the retared ones dont worry I got timeno you dont keep your relationship with God pray for strength prop err guidance if you do not have one with God get one even if your not a fighter and just reading this get that relationship with God if you. want something that bad push yourself you got to look in that mirror do not quit reading this because this part sounds strange butin the morning when you wakd up and when you go to bed lookat your self hard and ask your self while looking in your own eyes morning question do I want this will I do what everit takes mentally physically at the end oc the day look at your eyes ask did I at all times today work hard not cut any cornr(ers do you promise your self to do ig again the ones that when they do this and not want to get away from there own reflection as fast as THEY can but likd what they see laugh with smile and say I promise tomorrow I can not wait for because I feel myself getting stronger Those Types Of borderline Crazy Fighter I Have knowned If your reading ThisGuys will not write or say names Miss it
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:45:56 +0000

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