If you believe something, you will think thoughts that are in - TopicsExpress


If you believe something, you will think thoughts that are in accordance and in line with that belief. You will then speak and act according to what you think and believe. And then your life has no other option but to give you evidence that prove that belief that youve thought, spoken and acted. So if you believe that youre never going to be happy, that you cant be happy, and that being happy is impossible, you will think thoughts in accordance with that belief. If you believe you wont be successful, you wont be. If you believe youre unworthy or undeserving, youll get experiences that mirror your belief and continue to reinforce it. Then you will speak and act in support of that belief. And you will be unhappy, unsuccessful and treated badly in accordance with your belief, even if you dont want to be unhappy, unsuccessful and treated badly. Give that some thought, and if you actually want to be happy, change that belief. Throw out that belief and adopt a belief that wont actually prevent you from being happy, successful and treated well. You are in complete control of your beliefs. And dont be hesitant in proclaiming your positive beliefs from the rooftops: I love myself! I am worthy and deserving of the best, the greatest, the most wonderful things in life! I am deserving of EVERYTHING, and I am going to get it and have it!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:56:04 +0000

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