If you believe that I was just sleeping in my coma after my life - TopicsExpress


If you believe that I was just sleeping in my coma after my life threatening crash in the turning lane with a truck, in Scotland where they drive on the left, you would be wrong. As S Anne Thompson saw, I was struggling to find some clarity. I was FIGHTING and as Dr. Carrie Logue knows, I have been grinding my teeth (still today). I have worn a LOT of mouth peices... The grinding messed up my teeth but with some dental work, they are better. Today, I wear a night guard at night. After 9 years with continued improvement, I am still struggling. I stopped my period for 2 years and then it came spuratically, I take medication for this. I cannot sleep so I take a medication for this and I also take medication to get tired. I cannot expunge waste from my body, I need to take multiple medications for this. All the medications plus coffee (1 cup regular, 1 cup decaff) plus various vitamins are essential for my day. At the moment of my crash, I was a graduate student at St. Andrews Uni with a mere 2 months until graduation. I lost 3 years of a Masters degree, I lost being able to walk, talk, usage of my right side- with my hand with writing (grrr...), I lost my best friend, I lost everything. I have to give thanks for my vision as I am a Photographer! Even though, I have double vision and so I truly see out of one various eye, every month I switch to keep my eyes healthy. From my late friend/ mentor, Rachael Morris said that everyone needs to sit on the pity potty for a few minutes BUT then FLUSH!! :-) I have gained a fresh new sense of being not an extrovert, like I was but switching to an introvert! I could only be happy with other people around but now, I can be perfectly happy being by myself (I am still working on this...)! I feel it is best to be both depending upon your situation! I LOVE people! I have gained a new best friend, my mother! We understand each other completely in a new sense with all that we have been through, together! She was a surgical nurse from Emory who flew to Scotland in the evening of my morning crash. She scared the nurses that were taking care of me, by JUST watching, she put silent pressure to precisely do everything correctly! Thank you!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:53:57 +0000

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