If you believe that you provided anything at all to salvation then - TopicsExpress


If you believe that you provided anything at all to salvation then you have not believed the Christian gospel. Worse than that youve believed a lie thats aimed at stroking your ego to make you think that you were some how more special or more wise then all those poor souls who will spend eternity in Hell, because you figured out the secret to earning Gods favor. You have been sold a BurgerKing gospel, your way, right away. If you have not heard the truth that you are a wretched sinner deserving of Hell, because you have not only sinned against the King of the Universe but you have lived your whole life acting as if you had the right to sit on His throne and judge for yourself what is right and wrong, true and false, good and evil. Then you cant possibly know the true gospel. That is a prerequisite and essential truth apart from which, the gospel is unknowable. The message I am sharing is going to smell like death to some, but it will be the aroma of life to others. Because of sin, we are all alike cursed and damned by God. This is justice and it is good. One day God will rid the creation of wickedness forever banishing to eternal wrath the devil, fallen angels and sinful men. We all deserve this just judgment. The verdict is already in and the sentence has already been issued. We all alike are guilty and our King is perfectly just and good and holy. He cant allow the guilty to go unpunished. If by Gods grace you are given eyes to see this, and you know that it is true and it burdens your soul, there is hope for you. God sent His Son into the world to save all those who will see this truth, repent of their sins and believe in His work on the cross. This faith and repentance, if genuine, evidence that God Himself has preformed a miracle in you. The Bible calls this miracle being born-again. Why do you need to be born-again? The Bible says that we are all born into this world spiritually dead. The Bible is clear that we must to be re-born spiritually before we will ever desire God. Before we will ever see our sin as worthy of Hell. Before we will ever repent and believe in Christ and His work on the cross. What did Christ do on the cross? On the cross, Jesus (the sinless lamb of God) took on himself the sins of all believers who ever lived or will ever live. The Father poured upon Jesus all the wrath of Hell due our sins and thus Jesus satisfied the just wrath of God on behalf of His chosen people. God has commanded that all people in all places be told His terms of peace. Gods terms are as follows: Repent of your sin and rebellion against God. Turn from living as if you had the kingly right to determine what is right and wrong, good and evil, true and false and surrender to God and His Holy Word as your only authority in these matters. Confess that you have lived your whole life as if you were God, and that you have both willfully and unknowingly violated Gods Perfect Law. Confess that you deserve the just condemnation of God for your sin, that you deserve hell. Abandon all hope in yourself to fix this problem and trust solely in Christ and His work on the cross, knowing that on a good day your own righteousness is still imperfect and worthy only of Hell and that on your worst day, if Christs righteousness has been credited to you, you are justified in the eyes of God. May God use this presentation of His gospel (His terms of peace) to bring many souls to Himself. If you have questions I am available to talk, and if I am busy I can pair you up with another faithful servant of Christ who can answer your questions. If you are granted ears to hear and eyes to see this message will be the best news you ever heard. If not it will be just noise. The rattling of keys is like the gospel To a person blind to the chains of sin that bind him, the rattling of keys is just noisy and annoying. However, to a person granted to see the chains of sin that bind him, the rattling of keys meant to set him free, is the sweetest sound he could ever hear. May God grant you to hear the rattling of keys in this message and more than that may He grant you to see the chains of sin that bind you.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:16:01 +0000

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