If you can honestly say that you support this Gods not Dead movie - TopicsExpress


If you can honestly say that you support this Gods not Dead movie then you really need to take a step back and look at what you are encouraging. This movie is an attack on anyone and everyone who isnt a Christian. It is blatantly attacking both non-Christians and the educational system as a whole. Can you imagine taking a 12 year old who is questioning their beliefs to see this and what that could possibly do to that child? How scared they would be to ever think about any other religion and how victimized they would feel if they are considering being anything other than a Christian? How much hatred and spite they would have against anyone who wasnt a Christian? The idea this movie would make them develop of teachers? Heck, Im 20 years old and attending college and that movie honestly made me scared of academic professors, and I know for a fact that no teacher would ever in their right mind act the way that the professor in that movie was portrayed. Can you imagine being a non-believer and going to that movie? How depressed and attacked you would feel? What if the roles were reversed? This movie wouldnt have even made it out of the studio. Atheists, Muslims, Agnostics, Buddhists and anyone from the other 20 or so major belief systems around the world (not to mention the ton of minor belief systems) are being portrayed in this movie as villains, villains who have nothing better to do than strut around claiming and bragging and doing their best to prove to everyone who believes in the Christian god that they are not right. This simply isnt true. Can you imagine if the professor was gay, all of the students were gay, and the only one straight person in the entire college was being attacked in the same way the Christian in the movie is being attacked? It would never happen. People would throw a complete fit. You have to realize that God did not make this movie. It was made by film makers who want to make money, and targeting the majority of the country with a film about how they are being attacked is exactly how they make money. Dont go see this movie. If you really must, please wait until it comes out online and watch it there, but I for one will never in my life support such a film that falsely represents and attacks specific groups of people.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:54:48 +0000

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